Friday, September 25, 2015

Math 7-2

Sept. 28 - 1.8 Solving Equations Using Algebra Tiles p.38 - notes/examples
Sept. 29 - 1.8 p.41 #1acd,2,3acd,4,5,7-9
Sept. 30 - Start unit review p.44 #1,2,4,5,6ab,7ab,8,9,11,13,15ab,16
Oct. 1 - finish unit review and study
Oct. 2 - Chapter 1 Test

Math 8

Sept. 28 - Chapter 1 Practice Test p.58 #107,9a,10
Sept. 29 - Chapter 1 Test
Sept. 30 - Start Chapter 2 Integers p.62 - 2.1 Using Models to Multiply Integers p.64 - notes/examples
Oct. 1 - 2.1 p.68 #5-11 odd letters,12,15,18,20ac
Oct. 2 - 2.2 Developing Rules to Multiply Integers p.70 - notes/examples (handout needed)

Math 9-1,9-2

Sept. 28 - 1.1 p.11 #3,4 all,5 odd letters,6 all,7-10 odd letters,13,14,19 all
Sept. 29 - 1.2 Square Roots of Non Perfect Squares p.14 - notes/examples
Sept. 30 - 1.2 p.18 #6ac,7ac,9-13 odd letters,14,17,19,24
Oct. 1 -Mid-Unit Review p.21 #1,2,3abcd,4-7,8abc,9,10abc,11abc
Oct. 2 - Chapter 1 Quiz

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Math 10

Sept. 28 - 1.4 Surface Area of Right Pyramids and Right Cones p.26 - notes/examples
Sept. 29 - 1.4 p.34 #4a,8,9,11,13b,15,16,20
Sept. 30 - Chapter 1 Quiz
Oct. 1 - 1.5 Volumes of Right Pyramids and Right Cones p.36 - notes/examples
Oct. 2 - 1.5 p.42 #4a,5,6a,7,8b,9a,10,12,15,18abc,21

Monday, September 21, 2015

Math Joke of the Week

What keeps a square from moving? Square roots.

Math 7

Sept. 21 - 1.6 Graphing Relations p. 30 - notes/examples (graph paper needed)
Sept. 22 - Chapter 1 Quiz
Sept. 23 - 1.6 p.33 #1ab,2-8 (graph paper needed)
Sept. 24 - 1.7 Reading and Writing Equations p.35 - notes/examples
Sept. 25 - 1.7 p.36 #1-8 all

Math 8

Sept. 21 - 1.6 finish notes/examples p. 43 #4bc,6bceg,7ab,8-10,15,16
Sept. 22 - 1.7 Applying the Pythagorean Theorem p.46 - notes/examples
Sept. 23 - 1.7 p.49 #4ac,5ac,6-9,13,14,16,22
Sept. 24 - Start the unit review p.54 #1,2ab,4ac,5ac,6ai,ii,vi,b,7-11 all,13ace,14ace,17ac,18ac,19a,20,21,22ad,24,27
Sept. 25 - finish the unit review (due Monday)

Math 9-1, 9-2

Sept. 21 - finish the unit review that was started last Friday p.87 #1,2,3abcd,6,8-10,12,13,14abef,17,18,20,23-27 odd letters
Sept. 22 - Chapter 2 Practice Test p.90 #1-8
Sept. 23 - Chapter 2 Test
Sept. 24 - no class due to P.A.R.T.Y  program
Sept. 25 - Start Chapter 1 Square Roots of Perfect Squares p.6 - notes/examples

Math 10

Sept. 21 - finish hand in review. Due tomorrow
Sept. 22 - Review due. Start Chapter 1 Measurement p.2 - 1.1 Imperial Measures of Length p.4 - notes/examples. Start p. 11 #3,4,8,10,13,14,17,19,20
Sept. 23 - finish 1.1 assignment. Start 1.2 Math Lab: Measuring Length and Distance p.13 - read briefly and do p.15 #1,2,4acdf,6
Sept. 24 - 1.3 Relating SI and Imperial Units p.16 - notes/examples p.22 #4-6 odd letters,8,10-12a,15,16 (due Monday)
Sept. 25 - Chapter 2 Test

Monday, September 14, 2015

Math 7-2

Sept. 14 - 1.4 p.23 #1ab,2abc,3,4ab,5ab,6,7,8ab,9ab
Sept. 15 - 1.5 Patterns and Relationships in Tables p.25 - notes/examples
Sept. 16 - 1.5 p.27 #1-5 all
Sept. 17 - Mid Unit Review p.29 #1-8 all
Sept. 18 - finish review. Start 1.6 Graphing Relations p.30 - notes/examples (Quiz on Sept. 21st!)

Math 8

Sept. 14 - Mid Unit Review p.30 #1-11
Sept. 15 - Start 1.5 The Pythagorean Theorem p.31 - notes/examples
Sept. 16 - Chapter 1 Quiz
Sept. 17 - 1.5 p.34 #3a,4a,5ab,6ab,8ab,10,12,14ab,15
Sept. 18 - 1.6 Exploring the Pythagorean Theorem p.39 - notes/examples

Math 9-1,9-2

Sept. 14 - Chapter 2 Quiz
Sept. 15 - 2.4 Exponent Laws I p.73 - notes/examples
Sept. 16 - 2.4 p.76 #4/5 odd letters,6,12 all, 13 odd letters,14,15,17,19,20 all
Sept. 17 - 2.5 Exponent Laws II p.79 - notes/examples
Sept. 18 - 2.5 p.84 #4-11 odd letters,13,15ace,16ace,19ace,21

Math 10

Sept. 14 - 2.7 Solving Problems Involving More than one Right Triangle p.113 - notes/examples. Start p.118 #4ac,5ac,7,9,14,18
Sept. 15 - finish 2.7 assignment. Start the hand-in review
Sept. 16 - Finish the Chapter 2 Hand in Review
Sept. 17 - Reviews due. Start Chapter 1 Measurement p.2 - 1.1 Imperial Measures of Length p.4 - notes/examples. Start p.11 #3,4,8,10,13,14,17,19,20
Sept. 18 - finish 1.1 assignment. Start 1.2 Math Lab: Measuring Length and Distance p.13 - do p. 15 #1,2,4acdf,6

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Math Joke of the Week

What did the zero say to the eight? Nice belt.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Math 7-2

Sept. 8 - 1.2 p.12 #1a-d,2,3,4abc,5-9
Sept. 9 - 1.3 Algebraic Expressions p.16 - notes/examples
Sept. 10 - 1.3 p.18 #1-8 odd letters,9,10
Sept. 11 - 1.4 Relationships in Patterns p.20 - notes/examples

Math 8

Sept. 8 - 1.3 Measuring Line Segments p.17 - notes/examples (need rulers and graph paper)
Sept. 9 - 1.3 p.20 #5,7,8a,11,14
Sept. 10 - 1.4 Estimating Square Roots p.22 - notes/examples (need number line handout)
Sept. 11 - 1.4 p.25 #5,7,8,10,13,15,20-22

Math 9-1,9-2

Sept. 8 - 2.3 Order of Operations with Powers p.63 - notes/examples
Sept. 9 - 2.3 p.66 #4/5 odd letters,7-11 all,17,18,22,25
Sept. 10 - Mid-Unit Review p.69 #1,2,4-10
Sept. 11 - finish review. Study for quiz on Monday.

Math 10

Sept. 8 - 2.3 Math lab: Measuring an Inaccessable Height p.84 - read briefly and do p.86 #1-3. Start 2.4 The Sine and Cosine Ratios p.89 - notes
Sept. 9 - finish 2.4 notes/examples p.95 #5-10 odd letters for each, 12,14 all
Sept. 10 - 2.5 Using Sine and Cosine Ratios to Calculate Lengths p.97 - notes/examples p.101 #3ac,4ac,5ac,7,9,10,13
Sept. 11 - 2.6 Applying the Trigonometric Ratios p.105 - notes/examples p.111 #3ac,4ac,6abc,8,10-12

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Math 7-2

Sept. 2 - Outline/class expectations. Chapter 1 Patterns and Relations p.4 - 1.1 Patterns in Division p.6 - notes/examples
Sept. 3 - 1.1 p.8 #1-3,5-8
Sept. 4 - 1.2 More Patterns in Division p.10 - notes/examples

Math 10

Sept. 2 - Outline/class expectations. Start Chapter 2 Trigonometry p.68 - 2.1 The Tangent Ratio p.70 - notes/examples
Sept. 3 - 2.1 - p.75 #4-6,8,10 odd letters for all,12,16,17
Sept. 4 - 2.2 Using the Tangent Ratio to Calculate Lengths p.78 - notes/examples p.82 #3ac,5ac,6,7,9a,11,15

Note to All Parents for Grade 7-10

I have given each student a handout on classroom rules & expectations and assessment for math, as well as my email address and blog information. Please make sure you read these over with your child, write down any key information needed, and return the forms signed to me by Sept. 4th. Thank you and I look forward to teaching your children in math this year!!

Math 8

Sept. 1 - Outline/class expectations. Start Chapter 1 Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem p.4 - 1.1 Square Numbers and Area Models p.6 - notes/examples
Sept. 2 - 1.1 p.8 #5,8-12,16,18-20
Sept. 3 - 1.2 Squares and Square Roots p.11 - notes/examples/handout
Sept. 4 - 1.2 p.15 #6-9,11,13aceg,14,16,19

Math 9-1, 9-2

Sept. 1 - Outline/class expectations. Start Chapter 2 Powers and Exponent Laws p.50 - 2.1 What is a Power? notes/examples
Sept. 2 - 2.1 p.55 #4,5,7-10, 12-14 odd letters for all of it, 17-21 all
Sept. 3 - 2.2 Power of Laws and the Zero Exponent p.58 - notes/examples
Sept. 4 - 2.2 p.61 #4-10 odd letters,11-15 all (due Monday for both classes)