Friday, February 28, 2014

Math 7

Mar. 3 - Practice Test p.251 #1-5
Mar. 4 - Unit 6 Test. 2nd class - Start the Cumulative Review on Chapters 1-6 p.254/255
Mar. 5 - continue on cumulative review
Mar. 6 - finish the cumulative review

Health 7

Mar. 3 - Lesson 1.3 What Affects your Health? Read pgs. 18-22, define vocabulary and give an example for each. P.21 - Newspaper, Magazine Ad or TV Commercial about a product that could affect your health

Math 8

Mar. 3 - Review for quiz
Mar. 4 - Ch. 6 Quiz
Mar. 5 - 6.6 Creating a Table of Values p.351 - notes/examples
Mar. 6 - 6.6 p.356 #4ac,5ac,6,7,8ac,9ac,11,12,14. Pm class - 6.7 Graphing Linear Relations p.359 - notes/examples
Mar. 7 - 6.7 p.363 #4,5ag,6agh,7,11,12ac,14. 2nd class - Start the unit review p.371 #1,2ace,3,4bdf,5,6ac,10ac,12ac,14-18,21ac,22 (will finish this on Monday)

Math 9

Mar. 3 - Ch. 6 Test
Mar. 4 - Start Ch. 7 Similarity and Transformations p.314 - 7.1 Scale Diagrams and Enlargements p.318 - notes/examples (graph paper needed throughout this chapter)
Mar. 5 - 7.1 p.323 #4-8,10-12. Pm class - 7.2 Scale Diagrams and Reductions p.325 - notes/examples
Mar. 6 - 7.2 p.329 #4-6 odd letters, 7-9 all,11ace,12a,13,17,19

CE 9

Mar. 5 - 4.3 Why Wait? Identify situations where self-control is important (advantages and disadvantages). Discuss songs about love. Read p.87-90 and do questions
Mar. 6 - Read p.90-95 and do questions. Look at song lyrics. Start song or magazine ad (messages on intimacy). Pm class - finish ad.

Math 10

Mar. 3 - 2.4 Deductions and Net Pay p.79 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.80, Activity 2.5 p.81, Examples 1-3 p.81-84
Mar. 4 - Activity 2.6 p.84, notes, example 4 p.84, p.87 #1-7
Mar. 7 - Work on Chapter 2 Review (due Mar. 10th). Pm class - Start Ch. 3 Length, Area and Volume p.92 - 3.1 Systems of Measurement p.94 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.95 #1-3, Activity 3.1 p.96 #1-7

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Math Joke of the Week

What does the little mermaid wear?  An algae-bra! Please note that I will be gone after the winter break and will return the afternoon of Feb. 26th. Mr. Sander will be my substitute. He is a great math teacher so you will be left in good hands! Enjoy your winter break and see you on Feb. 26th.

Math 7

Feb. 24 - 6.5 Using Different Methods to Solve Equations p.24 - notes/examples p.243 #1-7 all
Feb. 25 - Equation Baseball in groups - p.245 in text, need game board and cards
Feb. 27 - Start the unit review p.248 #2-4,6,7,10,12-15 (some of this will be to hand in)
Feb. 28 - finish the unit review and play algebra bingo

Health 7

Feb. 28 - Comic strips due. Lesson 1.2 - finish reading p.15-17. Do vocabulary and questions at end of chapter and finish chart from last day. Do handouts.

Math 8

Feb. 24 - 6.4 The Distributive Property p.338 - notes/examples
Feb. 25 - 6.4 p. 342 #5,6,7ace,8ace,9,12aceg,13,14,16,18
Feb. 26 - 6.5 Solving Equations using the Distributive property p.344 - notes/examples. Pm class - 6.5 p. 347 #4ac,5ac,6-9,11,13,14,16,17
Feb. 27 - Mid-Unit review p.350 #1-10 all

Math 9

Feb. 24 - 6.5 Solving Linear Inequalities Using Multiplication and Division p.300 - notes/examples
Feb. 25 - 6.5 p.305 #4,5,7,9-11,13,14. Next class  - Start the unit review p.308 #1,3-8,10-16
Feb. 26 - finish the unit review
Feb. 28 - Practice Test p.310 #1-6

CE 9

Feb. 25 - Read p.81-85 in text and do questions. Dear Abby letters (in pairs)
Feb. 26 - Marie Rivier projects due to hand in. Finish Dear Abby letters and responses. Pm class -  Start 4.3 Why Wait? Discuss situations where self-control is important, read p.87-95 in text and do questions.

Math 10

Feb. 24 - 2.2 Alternate Ways to Earn Money p.64 - notes, Activity 2.3 p.65 #1-3, Discuss the Ideas p.65
Feb. 27 - Discuss the Ideas p.66, examples 1-3 p.66-69, p.69 #1-7 all. Pm class - Start 2.3 Additional Earnings p.72 - notes, Activity 2.4 p.73 #1,4,5, Discuss the Ideas p.74 #1-3
Feb. 28 - 2.3 - examples1/2 p.74-76, p.76 #1-7 all. Pm class - 2.4 Deductions and Net Pay p.79 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.80, Activity 3.5 p.81, examples 1-3 p.81-84

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Math 7

Feb. 10 - Mid-Unit Review p.236 #1-4 (some of this will be handed in)
Feb. 12 - 6.4 Solving Equations using Algebra p.237 - notes/examples
Feb. 13 - play math games due to large # of students missing for strings class. Pm - no class due to retreat
Feb. 14 - 6.4 p.238 #1-4,6-8

Health 7

Feb. 13 - no class due to retreat
Feb. 14 - finish comic strips and hand in (I am still waiting for some people's goal setting sheets!)

Math 8

Feb. 10 - Start Ch. 6 Linear Equations and Graphing p.316 - 6.1 Solving Equations using Models p.318 - notes/examples
Feb. 11 - 6.1 p.324 #5ab,6ab,8-10,11ab,12,13ac,16. Pm class - 6.2 Solving Equations using Algebra p.327 - notes/examples
Feb. 12 - 6.2 p.331 #5ace,6ac,7,8,10,11ace,12ace,13,14. 2nd class - 6.3 Solving Equations involving Fractions p.333 - notes/examples
Feb. 14 - 6.3 p.336 #3ac,4ac,6-11,13bc,14

Math 9

Feb. 10 - Mid-Unit Review p.286 #1-8 all. 6.3 Introduction to Linear Inequalities p.288 - notes/examples
Feb. 11 - 6.3 p.292 #3-9 odd letters,10,11,13ace,14,16
Feb. 13 - 6.4 Solving Linear Inequalities by Adding and Subtracting p.294 - notes/examples
Feb. 14 - 6.4 p.298 #6ac,7 all,8/9 odd letters,10,12,14,15

CE 9

Feb. 10/11 - finish Marie Rivier project. Due next class (after the break)

Math 10

Feb. 12 - Work on Chapter 1 Review and hand in. Pm class - Start Ch. 2 Earning an Income p.52 - 2.1 Wages and Salaries p.54 - notes.definitions, Activity 2.1 p.55 #1-4, Discuss the Ideas p.55
Feb. 13 - no a.m. class due to retreat. Pm class - 2.1 - examples 1-4 p.56-59, Activity 2.2 p.60, p.60 #1-9 all
Feb. 14 - Ch. 1 Test