Thursday, January 30, 2014

Health 7

Feb. 5 - goal setting sheet due to hand in. Finish handout from last day. Lesson 2: Skills for Building Health - read pgs.10-17, define the vocab, create a comic strip that encourages teens to be physically active on a regular basis
Feb. 6 - work on comic strips

Math 7

Feb. 4 - 6.1 p.223 #1-4,6,7,9-11
Feb. 5 - morning class - finish 6.1 if there is any time. Watching the drama production this morning. Pm class - 6.2 Using a Model to Solve Equations p.226 - notes/examples
Feb. 6 - p.229 #1,2i-v,3,4ac,5,6
Feb. 7 - 6.3 Solving Equations involving Integers p.231 - notes/examples p.324 #1abcd,2abcd,3,5,6,8

Math 8

Feb. 3 - 5.10 p.303 #5-8a,c for each,11-14,17-19. Pm class - Start the unit review p.308 #1ac,2,4ac,5,6,9,11-13,14a,16,17,18a,19,20ac,21ac,22,25,27ac,28,29a,30,31a,32ab,33 (it's a big one! 10 sections!)
Feb. 4 - finish the unit review for both classes
Feb. 6 - Ch. 5 Practice Test p.312 #1-3ac for each,4-10
Feb. 7 - Ch. 5 Test

CE 9

Feb. 3 - work on Marie Rivier project

Math 9

Feb. 3 - no class due to mass
Feb. 5 - no class due to drama
Feb. 6 - 6.2 Solving Equations by Using Balance Strategies p.275 - notes/examples
Feb. 7 - 6.2 p.280 #4 all,6,8,10 odd letters for each of these, 12,13,17ac,18,19ac,21ac

Math 10

Feb. 4 - Discuss the Ideas p.31, p.32 #1-7 all. Pm class - Start 1.4 On Sale - notes, examples 1/2 p.34-36, Activity 1.4 p.36 #1-5 (on the laptops)
Feb. 5 - p.37 #1-6 all. % Increase and Decrease - handouts
Feb. 6 - 1.5 Currency Rates p.41 - notes, Activity 1.5 p.42 #1-4
Feb. 7 - 1.5 - examples 1/2 p.43-46, p47 #1-6 all

Friday, January 24, 2014

Health 7

Jan. 28 - Health goals: Physical, Mental, Social and Spiritual - list goals for each, decorate.
Jan. 29 - Goals due to hand in. Ch. 1 Understanding Health and Wellness - Lesson 1: Your Total Health - read p.4-9, questions p.9 #2-5 and handout

Math 7

Jan. 27 - Unit Review p.213 #1-5, 7-10 abc for all of these,11 all, 13-18 abc for each of these
Jan. 28 - finish the unit review. pm class - finish the unit review.
Jan. 29 - Start Chapter 6 Equations p.218 - 6.1 Solving Equations p.220 - notes/examples
Jan. 30 -Practice test p.215 #1-7 and review for test!
Jan. 31 - Ch. 5 Test

Math 8

Jan. 27 - 5.8 Solving Ratio Problems p.287 - notes/examples p.291 #5-7 odd letters,8-15 all,18
Jan. 29 - 5.9 Exploring Rates p.294 - notes/examples
Jan. 30 - 5.9 p.298 #5-8 a,c for each, 9,11,13,14a,15a,16-18
Jan. 31 - 5.10 Comparing Rates p.300 - notes/examples

CE 9

Jan. 31 - Start Marie Rivier project - bookmark (illustration and mini-biography of Marie Rivier)

Math 9

Jan. 28 - Finish the unit review from last week.
Jan. 29 - Ch. 5 Practice Test p.262 #1-8
Jan. 30 - Ch. 5 Test
Jan. 31 - Start Ch. 6 Linear Equations and Inequalities p.264 - 6.1 Solving Equations by using Inverse Operations p.266 - notes/examples p.271 #5,6,8-10 odd letters for all of these,13,14,16 all,18ace,19,23

Math 10

Jan. 27 - Period 1 (no class due to mass) Pm - Start Workplace and Apprenticeship math (texts, outline, etc) Ch. 1 Unit Pricing and Currency Exchange p.10 - 1.1 Proportional Reasoning p.12 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.13, examples 1/2 p.14/15
Jan. 28 - Activity 1.2 p.16 #1-5 (need handout), notes, examples 1/2 p.18-20, p.21 #1-9 all. Pm class - 1.2 Unit Price p.23 - notes, examples 1/2 p.24/25, Activity 1.3 p.25 #1-3
Jan. 29 - p.26 #1-7 all
Jan. 30 - 1.3 Setting a Price p.28 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.29 #1-3, examples 1/2 p.30/31

Thursday, January 16, 2014

No Math Midterm Exams for Grade 7-9

Please note that the gr.7-9 classes will not have a math midterm exam. Instead, we will write a final exam in June. (something to look forward to!) So enjoy the semester break and we will see you on Jan. 27th.

Math 7

Jan. 20 - 5.6 Adding With Mixed Numbers p.199 - notes/examples
Jan. 21 - 5.6 p.202 #1-5abc for each,7a-e,8-10
Jan. 22 - 5.7 Subtracting with Mixed Numbers p.204 - notes/examples. Pm class - 5.7 p.207 #1,4-6a,c for each,7-9,10ac,11,12
Jan. 23 - no math class (Phys. Ed instead)

Math 8

Jan. 20 - 5.7 Comparing Ratios p.279 - notes/examples
Jan. 21 - 5.7 p.284 #4ac,5ac,7,10,11,13,14,16,19
Jan. 22 - 5.8 Solving Ratio Problems p.287 - notes/examples
Jan. 23 - no math class (8C - CE, 8M-Phys.Ed)

Math 9

Jan. 20 - 5.6 Multiplying and Dividing a Polynomial by a Monomial p.249 - notes/examples
Jan. 21 - 5.6 p.255 #4,5,7,8,11-13,15,16 odd letters for all of it, 17 all, 20-22 odd letters
Jan. 22 Start the unit review p.259 #1-6,8-10,12-16,19-26,28,29 odd letters for all of it (We will continue the review after the semester turnaround)
Jan. 23 - no math class. (art instead)

CE 9

Jan. 20 - "Love in our Culture" assignments due. Start 4.2 What is the Loving thing to Do? Discuss dilemmas, how people make decisions. Read p.76/77 (do questions). Read p.77-81 and do handouts (in partners)
Jan. 21 - finish handouts. Read p.81-85 (do questions)

Math 10

Jan. 20-23 - no classes this week but feel free to come for help to prepare for your final exam. Final exam is Thursday, Jan. 23rd from 9am-11:40am. Bring a pencil, eraser, scientific calculator, and your textbook to hand in.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Math 7

Jan. 13 - 5.3 p.188 #1-3ac for each,4a-d,5,7,9abc,10ab
Jan. 14 - Mid-Unit review p.190 #1-8 all (part of this will be to hand in). Pm class - 5.4 Using Models to Subtract Fractions p.191 - notes/examples
Jan. 15 - 5.4 p.193 #1ac,3ac,6ac,7-11 all
Jan. 16 - 5.5 Using Symbols to Subtract Fractions p.195 - notes/examples
Jan. 17 - 5.5 p.197 #1-4abc for each,5-7,9

Math 8

Jan. 13 - finish midreview and study for quiz
Jan. 14 - Ch. 5 Quiz
Jan. 15 - 5.5 Exploring Ratios p.264 - notes/examples. Pm class- 5.5 p.266 #4-7 odd letters,8,9,11,13,14,16,18 all
Jan. 16 - 5.6 Equivalent Ratios p.269 - notes/examples
Jan. 17 - 5.6 p.274 #6-10 a,c for each, 11-16 all,18

Math 9

Jan. 13 - Mid-Review p.237 #1ab,2-4,5a-e,6-10,11a-e,12a
Jan. 14 - finish review and study for quiz
Jan. 15 - Ch. 5 Quiz
Jan. 17 - 5.5 Multiplying and Dividing a Polynomial by a Constant p.241 - notes/examples

CE 9

Jan. 13 - work on Love in our Culture assignment
Jan. 15 - service hours are due!! (6 hours total)
Jan. 16 - last class to work on Love assignment

Math 10

Jan. 13 - 7.5 Using an Elimination Strategy to Solve a System of Linear Equations p.420 - notes/examples. Start p.437 #4ac,6ac,9,12ac,15,16,19
Jan. 14 - Ch. 6 Test
Jan. 15 - Finish 7.5. Start 7.6 Properties of Systems of Linear Equations p.442 - notes/examples. Pm class - 7.6 p. 448 #5,6,7abc,10,11,13,15,16
Jan. 16/17 - Review for final exam
Jan. 23 - Final Exam at 9:00 am. Need a pencil, calculator, and ruler.