Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Math 7

May 4 - Battleship game on the Coordinate grid
May 5 - 8.6 Graphing Tessellations and Reflections p.320 - notes/examples (need grid paper and ruler)
May 6 - 8.6 p.322 #1-3,5-8
May 7 - 8.7 Graphing Rotations p.325 - notes/examples (need grid paper, tracing paper, ruler and protractor)
May 8 - 8.7 p.327 #1,3,6-8 (need grid paper and tracing paper)

Math 8

May 4 - Start the unit problem p.488 - Create your own tessellation using a minimum of 3 different shapes, cover the page, must be done in color, include a written description of what your tessellation is used for and provide examples of translations, reflections, and rotations in your tessellation
May 5 - work on tessellations
May 6 - tessellations due. Unit Review p.483 #1-11,13-16 (handout needed)
May 7 - Practice Test p.486 #1-8
May 8 - Chapter 8 Test

Math 9

May 4 - Practice Test p.460 #1-6
May 5 - Chapter 9 Test
May 6 - Start Chapter 8 Circle Geometry p.382 - 8.1 properties of Tangents to a Circle p.382 - notes/examples (need geometry sets for this unit)
May. 7 - 8.1 p.388 #3,5ab,6ab,7,11,12,14-16,20
May 8 - 8.2 Properties of Chords in a Circle p.392 - notes/examples

Math 10

May 4 - Activity 6.1 p.231, p.232 #1-7
May 5 - Chapter 5 Test
May 6 - 6.2 Determining if Two Polygons are Similar p.236 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.237 #1-3, Discuss the Ideas p.238 #1-3, example 1/2 p.238/239
May 7 - 6.2 - Discuss the Ideas p.240, example 3 p.240, Activity 6.2 p.242, p.243 #1-8
May 8 - 6.3 Drawing Similar Polygons p.247 - notes, Activity 6.4 p.248, examples 1/2 p.248-250, Activity 6.5 p.250, Activity 6.6 p.251, p.252 #1-6

CE 9

May 4 - Presentations - "God's Preferential Option for the Poor". Read p.137/138 "Free the Children". Start 6.3 How Can the Earth Survive? Read p.140-147. Start creative writing stories - tell about a typical day from the perspective of an item of nature. Don't tell what the item is.
May 6 - finish/share creative writing stories. Start Unit 7: Be Honest  - 7.1 When is it Stealing? Share stories of theft, read p.150/151 (do questions). Read p.151-155 (start handouts)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Math Joke of the Week

What didn't the Romans find algebra challenging? Because the X was always 10.

Math 7

Apr. 28 - May 1st - continue on Money Matters unit with Miss S. Work on handouts in your booklets.

Math 8

Apr. 27 - 8.4 Identifying Transformations p.456 - notes/examples. Pm class - 8.4 p.460 #5-11 (need handout, miras and tracing paper)
Apr. 28 - 8.5 Constructing Tessellations p.462 - notes/examples (need plain paper and tracing paper)
Apr. 29 - 8.5 p.467 #6,7,9,11-14,17
Apr. 30 - 8.6 Identifying Transformations in Tessellations p.471 - notes/examples (need isometric dot paper and pattern blocks)
May 1 - 8.6 p.476 #3-5,8-10,12,13 (need handouts)

Math 9

Apr. 27 - 9.5 p.455 #3-9
Apr. 28 - Unit Problem p.461 (in pairs)
Apr. 29 - finish unit problem
Apr. 30 - Unit Review p.458 #1-3,5,7-15
May 1 - finish the review

Math 10

Apr. 27 - 5.3 - Activity 5.6 p.201 #1-6, examples 1/2 p.202-204, p.204 #1-4
Apr. 28 - 5.4 Parallel Lines and Transversals p.209 - notes, Activity 5.7 p.212 (need 1cm grid paper)
Apr. 29 - 5.4 - examples 1/2 p.212/213, p.214 #1-7
Apr. 30 - Chapter 5 Review
May 1 - reviews due. Start Chapter 6 Similarity of Figures p.224 - 6.1 Similar Polygons p.226 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.227, Examples 1-3 p.227-231

CE 9

Apr. 28 - Continue on paired teaching activity. Start presentations if time. Read p.137/138 Free the Children
May 1 - 6.3 How can the Earth Survive? read p.140-147. Talk about nature and its importance. Write a creative story from the perspective of an item of nature.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Math 7

Apr. 20 - 8.5 p.318 #1-3,5-7,10,11,13
Apr. 21-24 - the grade 7's will be doing a decimal unit that Miss Sachikowski will start with them.

Math 8

Apr. 20 - 8.1 p.437 #4,6-8,10,12,15,16,18
Apr. 21 - 8.2 Drawing Views of Rotated Objects p.441 - notes/examples
Apr. 22 - 8.2 p.444 #3,4,6,7,9-11 (dot paper and linking cubes needed)
Apr. 23 - 8.3 Building Objects from their Views p.447 - notes/examples (linking cubes needed)
Apr. 24 - 8.3 p.450 #4,6-11,14

Math 9

Apr. 20 - 9.3 p.440 #3-11
Apr. 21 - Mid-unit Review p.444 #1-9
Apr. 22 - 9.4 Selecting a Sample p.445 - notes/examples
Apr. 23 - 9.4 p.448 #1-10
Apr. 24 - 9.5 Designing a Project Plan p.454 - notes/examples

Math 10

Apr. 20 - 5.1 - Activity 5.3 p.182 (need handout), example 5 p.182, p.184 #1-7
Apr. 21 - Chapter 4 Test
Apr. 22 - 5.2 Angle Bisectors and Perpendicular Lines p.187 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.188, example 1 p.188-190, Activity 5.4 p.190/191 (need 1 inch grid paper)
Apr. 23 - 5.2 - Activity 5.5 p.191 #1-4, p.192 #1-7
Apr. 24 - 5.3 Non-Parallel Lines and Transversals p.198 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.200 #1-3

CE 9

Apr. 20 - collage/posters due. April prayer on Family now due!
Apr. 23 - finish presentations of Rich/Poor activity. Handout: How Much is Enough? Discuss
Apr. 24 - Read p.132-134 and Luke 16:19-31 (do questions). Start Paired teaching activity "Preferential Option for the Poor" (handout and bibles required)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Math Joke of the Week

How do you make seven an even number? Take the s out.

Math 7

Apr. 13 - Make study cards for quiz.***Bring index cards
Apr. 14 - finish making study cards
Apr. 15 - Mid-Unit Review p.314 #1-5.
Apr. 16 -Chapter 7 Quiz (note this date has been switched)
Apr. 17 - 8.5 Graphing on a Coordinate Grid p.315 - notes/examples (need grid paper)

Math 8

Apr. 13 - work on the unit problem (in pairs)
Apr. 14 - work on the the unit problem
Apr. 15 - last class to finish unit problem.
Apr. 16 -Unit Problem cereal boxes due. Practice Test p.428 #1-5
Apr. 17 -Chapter 7 Test in the morning class. Pm class - Start Chapter 8 Geometry p.432 - 8.1 Sketching Views of Objects p.434 - notes/examples (need grid paper and linking cubes).

Math 9

Apr. 13 - Start Chapter 9 Probability and Statistics p.422 - 9.1 Probability in Society p.424 - notes/examples
Apr. 14 - 9.1 p.427 #3-6,9-12,17
Apr. 15 - 9.2 Potential Problems with Collecting Data p.431 - notes/examples
Apr. 16 - 9.2 p.435 #3-7,9,12-15
Apr. 17 -9.3 Using Samples and Populations to Collect Data p.437 - notes/examples

Math 10

Apr. 13 - 4.4 Making Conversions p.162 - nores/examples
Apr. 14 - Activity 4.10, p.165 (need handout), .165 #1-3,5,7,8ab
Apr. 15 - Chapter 4 Review
Apr. 16 - review due. Start Chapter 5 Angles and Parallel Lines p.172 - 5.1 Measuring, Drawing, and Estimating Angles p.174 - notes, examples, Discuss the Ideas p.178 #1,2, Activity 5.1 p.179 (need handout)***geometry set needed for this chapter
Apr. 17 - 5.1 notes, examples 1-4 p.175-181, Activity 5.2 p.181

CE 9

Apr. 15 - 6.2 How Much is Enough? Poster or collage or power point on Poverty vs Wealth
Apr. 16 - Handout: How much is Enough?, read p.132-134 in text and Luke 16: 19-31 (do questions), April prayer on Family