Thursday, March 27, 2014

Math 7

Mar. 31 - 7.6 p.187 #1-6
Apr. 2 - Probability Project p.296/297
Apr. 3 - finish Probability project. Pm class - Start the unit review p.292 #1-4,6-11
Apr. 4 - Finish the unit review

Health 7

Apr. 3 - Ch.1 Review p.31/32
Apr. 4 - Ch. 1 Test

Math 8

Mar. 31 - work on unit problem
Apr. 1 - finish unit problem. Pm class - present unit problems
Apr. 2 - Practice Test p.428 #1-5. Next class - Ch. 7 Test
Apr. 4 - Start Ch. 8 Geometry - 8.1 Sketching Views of Objects p.434 - notes/examples

Math 9

Mar. 31 - finish 7.7. Start the Unit Problem (in pairs). Creating a flag.
Apr. 1 - finish flags. Stat unit review p.377 #1ac,3,4,6-9,11-15,17-19
Apr. 3 - finish the review
Apr. 4 - Practice Test p.380 #1-4

CE 9

Mar. 31 - Web or Recipe on Healthy Families (duties, roles and responsibilities using p.113-115 in text)
Apr. 1 - finish recipes, handout. Start 5.2 Whom Should I Obey in Society - brainstorm activity. Pm class - read p.116-121 in text. Do questions and handout

Math 10

Apr. 2 - Ch. 3 Review due. Start Ch. 4 Mass, Temperature, and Volume p.136 - 4.1 Temperature Conversions p.138 - notes, Activity 4.1 p.139 #1-6. Pm class - Act. 4.2 p.139 #1-4, Discuss the Ideas p.140 #2,4, examples 1/2 p.141/142, p.143 #1-3,6
Apr. 3 - 4.2 Mass in the Imperial System p.146 - notes, conversions, Discuss the Ideas p.148, Activity 4.4 p.149. Pm class - examples 1/2 p.149-151, p.151 #1-4,5b,7
Apr. 4 - Ch. 3 Test

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Math Joke of the Week

Why did the math text look so sad? Because it had so many problems!

Math 7

Mar. 25 - Probability games
Mar. 26 - 7.6 Tree Diagrams p.281 - notes/examples. Pm class - no class due to Penitential Celebration
Mar. 27 - 7.6 p.287 #1-6

Health 7

Mar. 26 - Lesson 4: Health Risks and your Behavior - read pgs.23-27, define vocabulary and give an example for each, do questions p.27 #1-6 and handout
Mar. 27 - Start A Picture of Health (in pairs). Collage or poster. Refer to p.30

Math 8

Mar. 24 - 7.4 Solving Problems involving Independent Events p.417 - notes/examples. Pm class - 7.4 p.420 #4,6-9,12,14,16
Mar. 25 - Unit Review p.424 #2-4,6-15. Start the Unit Problem on p.430 (in pairs)
Mar. 27 - continue working on unit problem

Math 9

Mar. 24 - 7.6 p.365 #4-10 odd letters for each, 13,14
Mar. 26 - 7.7 Identifying Types of Symmetry on the Cartesean Plane p.368 - notes/examples
Mar. 27 - 7.7 p.373 #3ac,4-7,11,12

CE 9

Mar. 24 - Unit 4 Test. Pm class - Start Unit 5: Be Obedient - 5.1 Why Should I Obey my Parents or anyone Else in my Family? - charting authority, read p.108-112 and do questions and handout

Math 10

Mar. 25 - 3.3 p.121 #1-5 all. Start 3.4 Volume - notes, formulas and charts, Discuss the Ideas p.125 #1-3
Mar. 26 - Activity 3.9 p.126 #1,2, examples 1-3 p.127-130, Activity 3.10 p.130. Pm class - p.132 #1-5. Start the Ch. 3 Review
Mar. 27 - Ch. 3 Review (due Apr. 2)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Health 7

Mar. 17 - Presentaions on TV or Magazine Ads (to be evaluated). Read pgs. 21/22 - do questions p.22 #2-5 and handout
Mar. 20 - Lesson 4: Health Risks and Your Behavior - read pgs. 23-27, define vocab and give an example of each, do questions p.27 #1-6, handout

Math 7

Mar. 17 - watched the Music Festival
Mar. 18 - 7.3 p.269#1-4,6,7. 7.4 Applications of Averages p.271 - notes/examples
Mar. 19 - 7.4 p.273 #1,2,4,6,8
Mar. 20 - Mid-Unit Review p.278 #1-5.(some questions will be handed in) Pm class - 7.5 Different Ways to Express Probability p.279 - notes/examples
Mar. 21 - 7.5 p.282 #1,2,4-8

Math 8

Mar. 17 - 7.2 Misrepresenting Data p.394 - notes/examples
Mar. 18 - 7.2 p.399 #4-8,10,11,14,16
Mar. 19 - Mid-Unit Review p.406 #1,2. Start 7.3 Probability of Independent Events p.407 - notes/examples
Mar. 21 - 7.3 p.411 #3-5,6a,7,10-12,15

CE 9

Mar. 21 - finish reading pgs. 96-105, handouts, March/April prayer.

Math 9

Mar. 17 - Ch. 7 Quiz
Mar. 18 - 7.5 Reflections and Line Symmetry p.353 - notes/examples
Mar. 20 - 7.5 p.359 #3-8,10
Mar. 21 - 7.6 Rotations and Rotational Symmetry p.361 - notes/examples p.365 #4-10 odd letters,13,14

Math 10

Mar. 17 - finish 3.1 - Activity 3.2, p.102 #1-6 all
Mar. 18 - 3.2 Converting Measurements p.106 - notes, chart, Activity 3.4 p.107 #1-3, Discuss the Ideas p.107 1,2
Mar. 19 - 3.2 - converting area, examples 1/2 p.108/109, Activity 3.5 p.110 #1-6, p.111 #1-7. Pm class - Start 3.3 Surface Area p.115 - notes and handouts
Mar. 20 - 3.3 continued - Activity 3.6 p.116, Activity 3.7 p.117 #1-4, examples 1/2 p.118, Activity 3.8 p.120 #1 only. Pm class - finish 3.3 p.121 #1-5

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Math 7

Mar. 10 - Start Ch. 7 Data Analysis p.256 - 7.1 Mean and Mode p.258 - notes/examples
Mar. 11 - 7.2 p.260 #1-7
Mar. 12 - 7.2 Median and Range p.262 - notes/examples Pm class - 7.2 p.264 #1-5,7
Mar. 13 - 7.3 The Effects of Outliers on Average p.267 - notes/examples

Health 7

Mar. 12 - Magazine or Newspaper Ad p.21
Mar. 13 -  Ads due. Do questions p.22 #2-5 and handouts

Math 8

Mar. 10 - finish the unit review
Mar. 11 - Ch. 6 Practice Test p.374 #1-8
Mar. 13 - Ch. 6 Test
Mar. 14 - Start Ch. 7 Data Analysis and Probability p.380 - 7.1 Choosing an Appropriate Graph p.382 notes/examples. Pm class - 7.1 p.387 #4-10,12

Math 9

Mar. 10 - 7.3 Similar Polygons p.334 - notes/examples (need protractors)
Mar. 11 - continue notes and examples
Mar. 12 - 7.3 p.341 #4ac,5ac,6,7,9,11,12,13,16
Mar. 13 - 7.4 Similar Triangles p.343 - notes/examples p.349 #4cd,5bc,6ac,7-10,12,13
Mar. 14 - Mid-Unit Review p.352 #1-7

CE 9

Mar. 13 - finish songs/ads. 4.4 How Does Love go Wrong? handouts
Mar. 14 - Present sons/ads to class. Read p.104/015. Poster, collage, etc on Love Gone Right vs Love Gone Wrong. Pm class - finish poster. Read p.100-102 and do questions.

Math 10

Mar. 10 - Ch. 2 Review due.  Start Ch. 3 Length, Area, and Volume p.92 - 3.1 Systems of Measurement p.94 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.95 #1-3, Activity 3.1 p.96 #1-7
Mar. 11 - 3.1 continued - notes, examples 1-3 p.97-101, Activity 3.2 p.101 #1,2 (need 11 by 17 paper)
Mar. 12 - p.102 #1-6 all. Pm class - Chapter 2 Test