Thursday, June 7, 2012

Math 10

June 11 - Ch. 7 Review (due June 12th)
June 12/13 - final exam review outline
June 14  - Ch. 7 Test
June 18 - review for final exams

Math 9

June 11 - review for final exam
June 12/13 - cumulative review in text for final exam
June 14/15 - PA Catholic School Division Exam

Career Ed 9

June 14 - last class to work on porfolios. I need to see these no later than the morning of June 18th!!

CE 9-I

June 13 - 8.2 How do I Get Satisfaction? Role play or acrostic or art form of what SATISFACTION means.
June 15 - Scripture Activity (Matthew20:1-16) Read pgs. 175-178 in text. Do 2 handouts.
June 18 - Ch. 8 Test
******Reminder - 12 service hours total are due!!! (by June 13th)

CE 9-O

June 11 - 8.2 How Do I get Satisfaction? Role play or acrostic or art form of what SATISFACTION means.
June 12 - Scripture Activity (Matthew 20:1-16). Read pgs. 175-178 in text. Do 2 handouts.
June 15 - Ch. 8 Test
*******Reminder - 12 service hours total are due!!!

Math 8

June 11/12 - Final exam review outline
June 13-15th - Cumulative review for final exam p.379 #11-18 all, p.493 #10-27

Foods 7-C

June 12 - finish posters and hand in. Recipe books due. Last lab: Sugar cookies
June 14 - Last lab: Sugar cookies

Health 7

June 11 - posters/bumper stickers due. Ch. 7 Test. This is our last health class!!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Math 10

June 4 - Ch. 6 Test. 7.4 The Tangent ratio p. 301-notes, ex.1/2 p.302-304, p.305 #1-5,7
June 5 - 7.5 Finding Angles and Solving right Triangles p.307- notes, handout, ex. 1/2 p.308-310, Activity 7.7 p.311, Mental math p.311
June 6 - 7.5 p.311 #1-5,7,8. Start Ch. 7 Review if time.
June 7/8 - no class

Math 9

June 4,7,8th - Start our final exam review

Career Ed 9

No class week of June 4-8th - Portfolios are due next class

CE 9-O

June 7 - Read p.172/173 (do questions). Activity - what it means to be pure of heart. Handout - random acts of kindness. ****Reminder - service hours are due next week!!

CE 9-I

June 7 - Scripture Activity (in groups). Present at the end of class.
June 8 - Read p.172/173 (do questions). Activity - what it means to be pure of heart. Handout on random acts of kindness. *****Reminder - service hours are due next week!!

Math 8

June 4-7 - working on math review handouts to prepare for your final exam

Foods 7 C

June 5 - Quiz 4. Work on Safety posters. Lab 7 Recipe: Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
June 6 - Lab 7: Banana Chocolate chip muffins

Health 7

June 7 - Skits on conflict resolution (posters/bumper stickers due)