Friday, September 30, 2011

Math 10

Oct. 5 - finish 2.7 assignment. Work on Ch.2 review (due tomorrow)
Oct. 6 - Start Ch.3 Factors and Products - 3.1 Factors and Multiples of Whole #'s p.134 - notes/examples. Start p.140 #5ace,8ace,9a,10ac,11c,13,15ab,16ab,21
Oct. 7 - finish 3.1. Start 3.2 Perfect Squares, Perfect Cubes and Their Roots p.142 - notes/examples. Start p.146 #4-8 odd letters,9,10,13,16

Math 9

Oct. 5 - Mid-Unit Review p.69#1-10
Oct. 6 - 2.4 Exponent Laws 1 p.73 - notes/activity
Oct. 7 - Ch. 2 Quiz

Math 8

Oct. 5 - 2.2 Developing Rules to Multiply Integers - notes/activity
Oct. 6 - 2.2 p.73 #4 odds,7-9 odds, 10,11,16,19,21
Oct. 7 - Game: What's my Product. Smartboard activities

CE 9-O and 9-I

Oct. 5 (9-O only) - Start 2.2 How Do I Know What I Know? 6 questions on the board, circle graph of where you learn your info. from, handouts on learning styles.
Oct. 7 - go over handouts from last day. Read p.29 - 32 Seven Ways to be Smart - notes. October prayer - Thanksgiving/Gratitude (due next class)

Foods 9

Oct. 4 - lab 4: Banana Cream or Chocolate Pie
Oct. 5 - Milk Test. Rea Chapter on Yogurt and Cheese. Handouts on Yogurt and Cheese. Lab 5: Italian Family Bake

Foods 8

Oct. 6 - finish posters. Read Storing Food p.204-207. Lab 5: Pizza

Friday, September 23, 2011

Math 10

Sept. 26 - Ch. 1 Test. 2. Measuring an Inaccessable Height p.86 #1-3. Start 2.4 The Sine and Cosine Ratios p.89 - notes
Sept. 27 - finish 2.4 p.95 #5-7,9,10 odd letters for each of these, 12,14
Sept. 28 - 2.5 Using Sine and Cosine Ratios to Calculate Heights p. 97 - notes/examples p.101 #3ac,4ac,5ac,7,9,10,13
Sept. 29 -2.6 Applying the Trigonometric Ratios p.105 - notes/examples p.111 #3/4 odd letters,6,8,11,12,15
Sept. 30 - 2.7 Solving Problems Involving more than One Right Triangle p.113 - notes/examples. Start p.118 #4ac,5ac,7,9,14,18

Math 9

Sept. 26 - 2.1 p.55 #4,5,7-10,12-14 odd letters,17-21
Sept. 27 - Ch. 1 Test
Sept. 28 - 2.2 Powers of 10 and the Zero Exponent p.58 - notes and p.61 #4-10 odd letters, 10-15 all
Sept. 29 - 2.3 Order of Operations with Powers p.63 - notes/activity
Sept. 30 - 2.3 p.66 #4/5 odd letters,7-12,17,18,22,25

Math 8

Sept. 26 - 1.7 p.49 #4ac,5ac,6-9,13,14,16,22
Sept. 27 - Start unit review p.54#1,2ab,4ac,5ac,6ai,ii,vi,b,7-11,13ace,14ace,17ac,18ac,19a,20,21,22ad,24,27
Sept. 28 - finish review
Sept. 29 - reviews due. Start Ch. 2 Integers p.62 - 2.1 Using Models to Multiply Integers p.64 - notes/activity
Sept. 30 - 2.1 p.68 #5-11 odd letters,12,15,18,20c

CE 9-I

Sept. 27 - read p.22-24 (define incarnation, do questions). Case studies (in groups). Present at end of class
Sept. 28 - read p.26/27. List 7 things you don't have for which you are grateful. Health Plan. Start 2.2 How do I Know what I Know? questions and handout.
Sept. 29 - read p.29-32. Group activity based on learning style.

CE 9-0

Sept. 26 - Make posters for the food drive
Sept. 28 - read p. 22-24 (define incarnation, do questions). Case Studies (in groups). Present at end of class
Sept. 29 - read p.26/27. List 7 things you don't have for which you are grateful. Health Plan. Start 2.2 How do I Know what I know? questions and handout

Foods 9

Sept. 26 - go over handouts on milk. Read Ch. 24 Yogurt and Cheese - do questions #1-6. Lab 4 recipe: Banana Cream or Chocolate Pie

Foods 8

Sept. 27 - Quiz on Kitchen Safety and Sanitation. Work on posters. Lab 4 recipe: Pumpkin Pie
Sept. 30 - Lab 4:Pumpkin Pie

Health 7

Sept. 29 - finish comic strips. Do handouts for lesson 2

Friday, September 16, 2011

Math 10

Sept. 20 - Reviews due. Start Ch. 2 Trigonometry - 2.1 The Tangent Ratio p.70 - notes/activity - start p. 75#4-6,8,10 odd letters for all of these,12,16,17
Sept. 21 - finish 2.1 assignment. Start 2.2 Using the Tangent Ratio to Calculate Heights p .78 - notes/activity
Sept. 22 - finish 2.2 p.82#3ac,5ac,6,7,9a,11,15

Math 9

Sept. 20 - finish review
Sept. 21 - finish review. (due Sept. 22)
Sept. 23 - Start Ch.2 powers and Exponent Laws - 2.1 What is a Power? p.52 - notes/activity

Math 8

Sept. 20 - 1.5 p.34#3a,4a,5ab,6ab,8ab,10,12,14ab,15
Sept. 21 - 1.6 Exploring the Pythagorean Theorem p.39 - notes/activity
Sept. 22 - 1.6 p.43 #4bc,6bceg,7ab,8-10,15,16
Sept. 23 - 1.7 Applying the Pythagorean Theorem p.46 - notes/activity

CE 9-O and 9-I

Sept. 20 - Ch. 1 Quiz. Start Ch. 2 Be Alive - 2.1 How do I Look? read p.18-24 in text and do all questions
Sept. 21 - finish questions from last day. Case studies (in groups). read p.26/27. List 7 things you don't have for which you are grateful.

Foods 9

Sept. 23 - Lab 3: Quiche

Foods 8

Sept. 22 - Lab 3: Fried Rice

Health 7

Sept. 21 - finish reading p.16/17 (finish vocab. and chart). Start on a comic strip (encouraging teens to be active on a regular basis) develop characters and a storyline. Can be done with a partner
Sept. 23 - work on comic strips

Friday, September 9, 2011

Math 10

Sept. 12 - 1.5 Volume of Right Pyramids & Right Cones p.36 - notes/examples p.42#4a,5,6a,7,8b,9a,10,12,16,18,21
Sept. 13 - 1.6 Surface Area & Volume of a Sphere - notes/examples p.51 #3ab,4,5a,7,9,11,17,21
Sept. 15 - 1.7 Solving Problems Involving Objects p.55 - notes/examples p.59 #3ab,5,7,9-11.Work on the Chapter review for the second class period.
Sept. 16 - Ch. 2 Trigonometry - 2.1 The Tangent Ratio p.70 - notes/examples. Start p.75 #3-6,8,10 odd letters for all of these, 12,16,17,21

Math 9

Sept. 12 - 1.3 finish examples. Start p.30#4ace,6,7,8ab,10,15
Sept. 13 - Ch. 1 Quiz (finish 1.3 assignment)
Sept. 14 - 1.4 Surface Area of Other Composite Objects p.33 - notes/activity
Sept. 15 - 1.4 p.40 #3ace,6,7,9
Sept. 16 - Start Unit Review p.45 #1-6abc of each,8abc,9abc,11ab,12a,13ab,15ac,16ac,19

Math 8

Sept. 12 - finish 1.4. Start Mid-Unit Review p. 30#1-11 all (5ac only) To be handed in.
Sept. 13 - Finish review.
Sept. 14 - Reviews due. Play game on p.28. Start on 1.5 The Pythagorean Theorem p.31 - notes/activity
Sept. 15 - finish notes/examples from 1.5. Start p.34 #3a,4a,5ab,6ab,8ab,10,12,14ab,15
Sept. 16 - Ch. 1 Quiz (finish 1.5 assignment)

CE 9-O and 9-I

Sept. 12 - finish Beatitude handouts. Start cartoon drawing "A Beatitude Friend" (10 characteristics)
Sept. 15/16 - finish cartoon. Video on Beatitudes.

Foods 9

Sept. 14 - Lab 2: Petite Cheesecake
Sept. 15 - do handouts on milk, quiz on Milk next class. Lab 3 recipe: Italian Family Bake

Foods 8

Sept. 13 - Lab 2: Fruit Crisp
Sept. 16 - finish reading Sanitation p.197-203, do questions #1-5, start poster if time (Rules of Sanitation/Kitchen Safety) Lab 3 recipe: Fried Rice

Health 7

Sept. 12 - Finish questions from last day, do handouts, Start Lesson 2: Skills for Building Health p.10
Sept. 14 - Read p.10-15 in text. Define vocab. words on p.10, do chart on 10 skills

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Math 10

Sept. 7 - 1.3 p.22 #4-6 odd letters,8,10-12,15,16. Start 1.4 Surface Area of Right Pyramids and Right Cones p.26 - notes/activity/formulas
Sept. 8 - 1.4 finish notes p.34 #4,8,9,11,13b,15,16,20
Sept. 9 - Ch. 1 Quiz - finish assignment from 1.4

Math 9

Sept. 6 - 1.2 p.18 #6ac,7ac,9-13 odd letters,14,17,19,24
Sept. 7 - Mid-Unit Review p.21 #1,2,3a-d,4-7,8abc,9,10abc,11abc
Sept. 8 finish review
Sept. 9 - 1.3 Surface Area of Objects Made from Right Rect. Prisms p.25 -notes/activity

Math 8

Sept. 6 - 1.3 Measuring Line Segments p.17 - notes/activity
Sept. 7 - 1.3 p. 20#5,7,8a,11,14
Sept. 8 - finish 1.3. Start 1.4 Estimating Square Roots p.22 - notes/activity p.25 #5,7,8,10,13,15,20-22
Sept. 9 - finish 1.4 assignment. Start the Mid-unit review if time p.30 #1-11 all (only do 5ac)

CE 9-O and 9-I

Sept. 7/8 - Read p.6-10 in test. Do questions. Start The Beatitudes - p.10-15 in text.
Sept. 9 - Sept. prayer due. Do handouts on beatitudes. Start cartoon if time (A Beatitude Friend)

Health 7

Sept. 7 - Start Ch. 1 Understanding Health & Wellness - 1. Your Total Health read p.4-9 in text. Notes/handouts

Foods 8

Sept. 8 - Sanitation - read p.195-203. Notes, questions #1-5. Lab 2 Recipe: Fruit Crisp

Foods 9

Sept. 6 - Lab 1: Potato Soup
Sept. 7 - Outline/texts/evaluation. Milk & Dairy Products - read p.150-156. Start handouts. Lab 2 Recipe: Petite Cheesecakes

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Health 7

Sept. 1 - Health Goals activity - Mental, Social, Physical,and Spiritual Goals for the year. Due next class.

CE 9-O and 9-I

Aug. 30/31 - Name Activity
Sept. 1 - finish name activity. Start Unit 1 Be With Me - 1.1 Who do I Want to Be With - list 10 qualities of friendship

Foods 8

Aug. 30 - Read Safety in the Kitchen. Summarize 10 facts. Word search. Recipe #1:Fruit Pizza
Sept.2 - Lab #1:Fruit Pizza (ned apron, hair tie, and container)

Math 10

Aug. 31 - Ch. 1 Measurement - 1.1 Imperial Measures of Length p.4 - notes/activity
Sept. 1 - 1.1 p.11 #3,4,8,10,13,14,17,19,20
Sept. 2 - 1.2 Math Lab - brief notes p.15 #1,2,4,6. Start 1.3 Relating SI and Imperial Units p.16 - notes/activity

Math 9

Aug. 31 - Ch. 1 Square Roots and Surface Area - 1.1 Square Roots of Perfect Squares p.6 - notes/activity
Sept. 1 - 1.1 p.11 #3,4, all,5 odds,6 all,7-10 odds,13,14,19
Sept. 2 - 1.2 Square Roots of Non Perfect Squares p.14 - notes/activity

Math 8

Aug. 30 - Ch. 1 Square Roots & The Pythagorean Theorem 1.1 Square #'s & Area Models p.6 - Notes/activity (graph paper needed throughout this chapter)
Aug. 31 - 1.1 p.8 #5,8-12,16,18-20
Sept. 1 - 1.2 Square and Square roots - notes/activity
Sept. 2 - 1.2 p.15 #6-9,11,13aceg,14,16,19