Thursday, December 22, 2011

Math 9

Jan. 3 - Mid-Unit Review p.237 #1ab,2-4,5a-e,6-10,11a-e,12a
jan. 4 - finish review
Jan. 5 - 5.5 Multiplying and Dividing a Polynomial by a Constant p.211 - notes/activity
Jan. 6 - Polynomial Quiz (5.1-5.4)

Math 8

Jan. 3 - 4.8 Volume of a Right Cylinder p.215 - notes/examples
Jan. 4 - 4.8 p.218 #4ac,5ac,8-12,15-17. Pm class - start Unit review p.223 #2,4,5,6ac,7,8a,9,11,14-16
Jan. 5 - finish unit review
Jan. 6 - Practice Test p.226 #1-10 all

CE 9-O and 9-I

Jan 3/4 - Read pgs. 72-75. 3Types of Love - notes. Start analysis of a video, book, or TV show. (refer to handout - Love in our Culture). Jan. prayer - Words to Inspire
Jan. 5 - work on Love in Our Culture assignment
Jan. 6 - last class to work on assignment

Foods 9

Jan. 3 - Egg Test. Do snack handouts. (test on snacks next class). Lab 6: Bruschetta, Potato Skins, or Tortilla Wraps

Foods 8

Jan. 4 - Finish reading Fruits/Vegetables p.417-427. Do questions p.420 #1-5,p.427 #1-4. Fruits and Veggies test next class. Last lab: A surprise!

Health 7

Jan. 6 - finish lesson 1 (vocab/questions/handout). Start lesson 2: Creating a Healthy Eating Plan p.111-115

Friday, December 16, 2011

Math 10

Dec. 19 - finish Ch. 6 review. (hand in today or no later than tomorrow)
Dec. 20 - Start Ch. 7 Systems of Linear Equations p.392 - 7.1 Developing Systems of Linear Equations p.394 - notes/examples
Dec. 21 - 7.1 p.401 #4cd,5bc,6,8,9,11,13
Dec. 22 - You are writing your Ch. 6 Test during your CE class

Math 9

Dec. 19 - 5.4 Subtracting Polynomials p.231 - notes/examples
Dec. 20 - 5.4 p.234 #4a,6-8 odd letters,9,11 all,13,15,16 odd letters for each of these
Dec. 21 - mid-Unit Review p.237 #1ab,2-4,5a-e,6-10,11a-e,12a
Dec. 22 - finish review. Clean desks/lockers when done

Math 8

Dec. 19 - 4.7 Surface Area of a Right Cylinder p.209 - note/examples
Dec. 20 - 4.7 p.212 #4ab,6ab,9-12,15,17
Dec. 21 - 4.8 Volume of a Right Cylinder p.209 - notes/examples
Dec. 22 - Math Christmas activities

CE 9-0

Dec. 19 - Advent celebration
Dec. 20 - Potluck/gift exchange
******Don't forget your advent angel gift and food item for today!*****

CE 9-I

Dec. 19 - finish scripture activity - present. Read p.72-75
Dec. 20 - Christmas Activities

Foods 9

Dec. 22 - lab 6: Bruschetta, Tortilla Wraps, or Potato Skins

Foods 8

Dec. 21 - Lab 6: Pineapple Lo Chicken

Health 7

Dec. 20 - Presetations on TV ads (finish lesson 1 if time)
Dec. 22 - no class (Christmas party with Miss Tilford)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Math 10

Dec. 12 - 6.5 Slope-Intercept form of the Equation for a Linear Function p.365 - notes/ex p.372 #4-7 odd letters, 9ai,ii
Dec. 13 - 6.5 finish 2nd half of notes/ex for 6.2 p.372 #10,11ac,12ac,21,22
Dec. 15 - 6.6 General Form of the Equation for a Linear Relation p.377 - notes/examples p.384 #6ac,9ab,12ac,14ac,16,18ab,22,24bdef. Pm class - finish 6.6/work on hand-in review
Dec 16 - Work on Ch. 6 Review (due Mon.)

Math 9

Dec. 12 - Ch. 4 Test
Dec. 13 - 5.2 Like and Unlike Terms p.217 - notes/activity
Dec. 14 - 5.2 p.222 #5,6,8,11-14 odd letters,15,18,19/20 odd letters
Dec. 15 - 5.3 Adding Polynomials p.225 - notes/examples
Dec. 16 - 5.3 p.228 #3,5,6,9-11 odd letters for all of these,12-14,17ac,18

Math 8

Dec. 12 - Mid-Unit Review p.194 #1-5
Dec. 13 - Ch. 4 Quiz
Dec. 14 - 4.5 Volume of a Right Rectangular Prism p.195 - notes/activity
Dec. 15 - 4.5 p.198 #4ac,5,7a,9-13,17
Dec. 16 - 4.6 Volume of a Right Triangular Prism p.202 - notes/examples. Pm class - 4.6 p.205 #4ac,5ac,6,8-10,12,16

CE 9-O and 9-I

Dec. 12 - Finish recipes - A healthy Relationship with God. Start Unit 4: Be Loving - 4.1 What is Love? Handout and prayer activity
Dec. 15/16 - Read p.70-72 in text "One Fishtail Too Many" (do questions). Start Scripture group activity (bibles needed)

Foods 9

Dec. 14 - lab 4: Herbed Cheese Crackers
Dec. 15 - Yogurt and Cheese Test. Go over egg handouts. Read Snacks. Lab 5: Tortilla Roll-ups, Bruschetta or Potato Skins

Foods 8

Dec. 13 - Lab 5: Pizza
Dec. 16 - Posters due. Read Fruits and Vegetables p.409-416 Do questions 1- p.416. Lab 6 recipe: Pineapple Chicken Lo

Health 7

Dec. 12/14th - Work on project - How the media influences what teens eat (refer to handout). Will present info. on Dec. 20th.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Math 10

Dec. 5 - 6.2 Slopes of Parallel and Perpendicular lines p.344 - notes/examples. p.349 #5,6,8abc,9abc,11,13,17,19
Dec. 7 - Ch. 5 Test. Pm class - 6.4 Slope Intercept Form of the Equation for a Linear Function p.357 - notes/examples. Start p.362 #4-7 odd letters,11,12ac,14,18,20
Dec. 8 - finish 6.4 assignment. Start 6.5 Slope-Point Form of the Equation for a Linear Function p.365 - notes/examples
Dec. 9 - no class (gone to the Famous people Players' play)

Math 9

Dec. 5 - unit Review p.201 #1,3,4,5ab,7,8-10abc for each,12-15,17abi,ii for each
Dec. 6 - finish review
Dec. 7 - Start Ch. 5 Polynomials p.208 - 5.1 Modelling Polynomials p.210 - notes/activity (algebra tiles needed throughout this chapter)
Dec. 8 - 5.1 p.214 #4,5,8-11,13,14 odd letters for all of these,18
Dec. 9 - 5.2 Like and Unlike Terms p.217 - notes. (We may do the practice test for Ch. 4 instead)

Math 8

Dec. 5 - 4.2 p.180 #3-5,7-13
Dec. 6 - 4.3 Surface Area of a Right Rectangular Prism p.183 - notes/activity (***scissors, rulers, calculators, and boxes needed for the activity)
Dec. 7 - 4.3 p.186 #5,6ab,7a,9-11,14-17
Dec. 8 - 4.4 Surface Area of a Right Triangular Prism p.188 - notes/activity. Pm class 4.4 p.191 #4-6,9-12,14,17
Dec. 9 - no class (going to the Famous People Players' play)

CE 9-O and 9-I

Dec. 7/8 - Read p.64-67 in text "God will Provide". Questions/discussion about unanswered prayers or prayers being answered unexpectedly. Create a recipe for a healthy relationship with God. (need ingredients, procedure, must be type - 15 marks)
Dec. 9 - finish recipes. Start Unit 4: Be Loving - 4.1 What is Love? Discuss. Read Corinthians passage and do handout and prayer activity
Dec. 10 - Read p.70-72 in text "One Fishtail too Many" - do questions. Start Scripture Group Activity (bibles needed)
*****Don't forget about your advent angels!!! Do 2 nice things for them this week.

Foods 9

Dec. 6 - lab 4: Italian Family Bake or Quiche
Dec. 7 - go over yogurt/cheese handouts. (test next class). Read chapter on Eggs. Do 2 handouts. Lab 4 recipe: Herbed Cheese Crackers

Foods 8

Dec. 5 - Lab 4: Pumpkin Tarts
Dec. 8 - work on Kitchen Safety/ Sanitation posters. lab 5 recipe: Pizza

Friday, November 25, 2011

Math 8

Nov. 28 - Start Ch. 4 Measuring Prisms and Cylinders p.168 - 4.1 Exploring Nets p.170 - notes/examples
Nov. 29 - 4.1 p.174 #4,6,8-10,12-15
Nov. 30 - 4.2 Creating Objects from Nets p.177 - notes/examples (handouts needed). Pm class - 4.2 p.180 #3-5,7-13
Dec. 1 - Practice Test or Fraction Bingo to review for test
Dec. 2 - Ch. 3 Fraction Test

*****Empty cereal boxes,cracker boxes, or any kind of small box is needed for some math activities next week. Please bring in boxes this week and leave them in my classroom!!

Math 9

Nov. 28 - Finish mid-unit review from Friday. Games or handouts of activities when done.
Nov. 29 -4.4 Matching Equations and Graphs p.183 - notes/examples
Nov. 30 - 4.4 p.188 #4,6,8,10,11,13
Dec. 1 - 4.5 Using Graphs to Estimate Values p.191 - notes/activity
Dec. 2 - 4.5 p.196 #4,6,8,11,13,15

Math 10

Nov. 29 - finish 5.6 from Friday. Pm class- 5.7 Interpreting Graphs of Linear Functions p.311 - notes/examples. p.319 #5,6ab,8,9,11,12,14,18
Nov. 30 - Work on Ch. 5 review
Dec. 1 - Start Ch. 6 Linear Functions p.330 - 6.1 Slope of a Line p.332 - notes/examples
Dec. 2 - Ch.5 Review due. Finish 6.1 p.339 #4-9 odd letters,11,13a i,iii,17,24,26

CE 9-O and 9-I

***Week of Nov. 28th - Remember, advent angels start this week. Do a minimum of 2 nice things for your advent angel each week for 3 weeks. On Dec. 20th we will have a potluck and gift exchange ($10-$15 gift) and reveal who our advent angels are! Have fun and bring the true meaning of Christmas to our class!
Nov.29/30 - Creative Writing (imagine Jesus spending the day with you). Share. Start 3.2 What's the Point of Prayer? Start acrostic on RELATIONSHIP.
Dec. 1 - finish acrostic. Handout. Notes on prayer. Read p.60-64 in text (The Tempter's Files)
Dec. 2 - Group activity on 5 forms of prayer - handout needed. Answer questions, develope symbol and prayer. Present next class.
*****December prayer due Thursday, Dec. 1st (Small miracles)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Foods 9

Nov. 28 - Lab 3: Banana Cream or Chocolate Pie
Nov. 29 - Milk Test. Read Yogurt and Cheese and start the 2 handouts. Lab 4 recipe: Italian Family Bake or Quiche

Foods 8

Nov. 30 - Kitchen Safety and Sanitation Test. Read Storing Food p.204-207. Lab 4 recipe: Pumpkin Tarts

Health 7

Nov. 28 - Presentations on organizations in Prince Albert. Do handouts from lesson 3.
Dec. 2 - finish handouts from last day. read p.55 and do questions on p.56 as a review for the Ch.2 Test next class (Dec. 6)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Math 10

Nov. 21 - 5.3 Interpreting and Sketching Graphs p.276 - notes/examples p.281 #4-6,8,10,11,15,17ab. Pm class - Ch. 4 Test
Nov. 22 - 5.4 math lab: Graphing Data p.284 - notes. Do p.286 #1,2. Start 5.5 Graphs of Realations and Functions p.287 - notes/examples
Nov. 23 - finish 5.5 p.294 #4ab,6,8,10,11,13,14,16,19
Nov. 24 - 5.6 Properties of Linear Relations p.300 - notes/examples
Nov. 25 - finish 5.6 p.308 #3-5 odd letters,6i,iii,vi,7,10,14,16

Math 9

Nov. 21 - 4.2 Linear Relations p. 164 - notes/activity (graph paper needed)
Nov. 22 - 4.2 p.170 #4,5,7ab,8,9ac,10ace,11,14
Nov. 23 - 4.3 Another Form of the Equation for a Linear Relation p.174 - notes/examples
Nov. 24 - 4.3 p.178 #5abcd,6ab,7ab,9,11,13,15ab,17,21a
Nov. 25 - Mid-Unit Review p.181 #1,2,3ac,4,5ac,6,7

Math 8

Nov. 21 - 3.8 Solving Problems with Fractions p.147 - notes/examples
Nov. 22 - 3.8 p.151 #3-6,8,10-12,15. Pm class - 3.9 Order of Operations with Fractions p.153 - notes/examples
Nov. 23 - 3.9 p.155 #4,5,6ace,7ac,8-11,12ab
Nov. 24 - Start Unit Review p.159 #1-6,9-14 odd letters for all of these, 16-21 all, 23 odd letters, 25,27 all, 28-30 odd letters
Nov. 25 - continue on review

CE 9-O and 9-I

Nov. 21/22 - Video: Romero (google what this video is about)
Nov. 23 - video
Nov. 24 - finish video. Advent Angel info. and pick our angels! Advent angels will start Mon., Nov. 28th and run for 3 weeks.

Foods 9

Nov. 21 - no class due to mass so test will be next class! (Nov. 28th)

Foods 8

Nov. 22 - Finish reading Sanitation. Do 3 sets of questions and notes. Read Stoing Food p.204-207. Lab 3 recipe: Fried Rice
Nov. 25 - Lab 3: Fried Rice

Health 7

Nov. 24 - finish fact sheet from last class. Finish questions #4-6, 2 handoutss

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Foods 8

Nov. 14 - Read Sanitation p.195-203 - notes, do questions #1-5, Start poster - Rules of Sanitation/Kitchen Safety. Lab 2 Recipe: Fruit Crisp
Nov. 17 - Lab 2: Fruit Crisp

Foods 9

Nov. 18 - lab 2: Petite Cheesecake

CE 9-O and 9-I

Nov. 14 - Start Unit 3 Be Faithful - 3.1 What do I Really Believe? define, read p.52-54. Start collage- What Do We Believe In? (use pictures, headlines, music lyrics, etc.) Comics due Today!
Nov. 15 - finish collages (due Nov. 16)
Nov. 16 - Read p.54-56 (do questions). Start video: Romero

Math 8

Nov. 14 - 3.5 p.132 #3ac,4,5,6ace,8-10,12,14.
Nov. 15 - 3.6 Dividing Fractions p.135 - notes/activity
Nov. 16 - 3.6 p.139 #4,7,9-13,19
Nov. 17 - 3.7 Dividing Mixed #'s p.141 - notes/activity
Nov. 18 - 3.7 p.145 #4-6 odd letters,8-10,12-18

Math 9

Nov. 14 - finish the unit review and hand in.
Nov. 15 - Practice Test
Nov. 16 - Ch. 3 Test
Nov. 17 - Start Ch. 4 Linear Relations p.150 - go over p.152/153. 4.1Writing Equations to Describe Patterns p.154 - notes/activity
Nov. 18 - 4.1 p.159 #7-11,13-15,19

Math 10

Nov. 14 - finish review. Start Ch. 5 Relations and Functions - 5.1 Representing Relations p.256 - notes/examples.
Nov. 15 - Ch. 4 Review due. Finish 5.1 p.262 #4,5,7,10 (Start 5.2 if time)
Nov. 16 - 5.2 Properties of Functions p.264 - notes/examples p.270 #4,6ac,7ac,8,9a,13,14ac,17,20 (due Mon.)
Nov. 17 - finish 5.2. Start 5.3 Interpreting and Sketching Graphs p.276 - notes/examples

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Math 10

Nov. 7 - finish 4.5 p.233#3-9 odd letters,13,14,16,20. Start 4.6 Applying the Exponent Laws p.237 - notes/examples
Nov. 9 - 4.6 p.241#3-16 odd letters for each,21. Pm class - do Ch. 4 Review

Math 9

Nov. 7 - 3.6 Order of operations with Rational #'s p.137 - notes/activity. Start p.140#3-5,9,11-13,15,16
Nov. 8 - finish 3.6 assignment. Start unit Review p.144 #1-8abc of each,10abc,12,14,15,18-20,22,23abdeg
Nov. 9 - finish review

Math 8

Nov. 7 - finish mid-unit review
Nov. 8 - 3.5 Dividing Whole #'s and Fractions p.129 - notes/activity (need scissors)
Nov. 9 - Ch. 1 Quiz

CE 9-O and 9-I

Nov. 7 - November prayers due
Nov. 9 - Start Unit 3 Be Faithful 3.1 What do I Really Believe? define believe. Read p.52-54. Start collage: What do We Believe In? (use pictures, headlines, and music)
***Comics due

Foods 9

Nov. 8 - Lab 1: Potato Soup (need apron, hair tie, and container for all labs)
Nov. 9 - milk handouts due. Read Yogurt and Cheese (do questions and handouts). lab 2 recipe: Petite Cheesecakes

Foods 8

Nov. 7 - Lab 1: Fruit Pizza (need apron, hair tie and container for all labs)

Health 7

Nov. 8 - finish lesson 2 (handouts and lab activity - need a partner). Start lesson 3: Building Good Character p.47-51 (do vocab)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Math 10

Nov. 1 - 4.3 Mixed and Entire Radicals p.213 - notes/examples. Start p.218 #4ace.5ace.9.10-12aceg for each,14,15,17ac,18ac. Pm class - finish 4.3 assignment. Start 4.4 Fractional Exponents and Radicals p.222 - notes
Nov. 2 - finish 4.4 notes/examples. p.227 #3-6,8,10-15,17 odd letters for all of these
Nov. 3 - Ch. 3 Test
Nov. 4 - 4.5 negative Exponents and Reciprocals p.229 - notes/examples p.233 #3-9 odd letters,13,14,16,20

Math 9

Oct. 31 - finish mid-unit review. Game p.122 in text or math games on the laptops
Nov. 1 - Multiplying Rational #'s p.123 - notes/examples. Start p.127 #3-8 odd letters,10-13,15,16
Nov. 2 - no class (Take your Kid to Work Day)
Nov. 3 - finish 3.4 assignment. Start 3.5 Dividing Rational #'s p.130 - notes/activity
Nov. 4 - 3.5 p.134 #3-9 odd letters,10,12ace,17ab,18ac,21

Math 8

Oct. 31 - 3.2 p.113c#5,6a-d,7a-d,10-13,15,16
Nov. 1 - 3.3 Multiplying Fractions p.115 - notes/activity (need grid paper)
Nov. 2 - 3.3 p.118 #6,7,10-13,15,17-21. Pm class - Start 3.4 Multiplying Mixed #'s p.121 - notes/activity
Nov. 3 - 3.4 p.125 #4,6,7,9-12 odd letters for all of these, 13,15,17,19a
Nov. 4 - Start Mid Unit Review p.128 #1-10abc for each

CE 9-O and 9-I

Nov 1 - work on comic strip
Nov. 3 - last day to finish comic. Prepare essay for Ch. 2 test. November prayer "Courage"
Nov. 4 - Ch.2 Test (need bibles)

Foods 8

Nov.2 - new group! Hand out textbooks and outline. Read Safety in the Kitchen p.188-194 (summarize 10 safety tips). 1st recipe: Fruit Pizza (need recipe coiled book, an apron, a hair tie, and container for all cooking labs)

Foods 9

Nov. 1 - new group (9-I). hand out texts and outline. Read Milk and Dairy Products p.150-156 - do questions and 2 handouts (due next single class) 1st recipe: Potato Soup

Health 7

Oct. 31 - Ch. 1 Test. Start Ch. 2 Taking Charge of your health - 1. Making Responsible Decisions p.36-41. Do definitions and questions p.41#2,4-7
Nov. 4 - do handouts for lesson 1. Start lesson 2 Setting and Reaching your Goals p.42-46. Do definitions and questions

Friday, October 21, 2011

Health 7

Oct. 27 - Handout 1.-4. Review for Ch. 1 Test p.31/32. Start Ch. 2 Taking Charge of Your Health p.34 - make a chart for the vocab. terms

Math 8

Oct. 24 - last class to finish review (due tomorrow)
Oct. 25 - Start Ch. 3 Operations with Fractions p.102 - 3.1 Using Models to Multiply Fractions and Whole #'s - notes/activity. Pm class - work on 3.1 p.108 #6,8-12,14,15 odd letters for all of these,17-19 all,21
Oct. 26 - Practice Test p.99 #1-5 or BINGO review
Oct. 27 - Ch. 2 Test
fOct. 28 - 3.2 Using Models to Multiply Fractions p.110 - notes/activity

Math 9

Oct. 24 - 3.2 Adding Rational #'s p.106 - notes/activity
Oct. 25 - 3.2 p.111 #3-6 odd letters,9-11 odd letters,12-14,18,19ac,20ac
Oct. 26 - 3.3 Subtracting Rational #'s p.114 - notes/activity
Oct. 27 - 3.3 p.119 #4,7-10,12,13,15abc,17
Oct. 28 - Mid Unit Review p.121 #1-10 all

Math 10

Oct. 24 - 3.7 Multiplying Polynomials p.182 - notes/examples p.186 #5,8,13,15,17 odd letters for all of these. Pm class - 3.8 Factoring Special Trinomials p.188 - notes/examples p.194 #4,8,11,12,18 odd letters for each of these
Oct. 25- finish 3.8 - notes/examples p.194 #6,10,13,19 odd letters for each of these
Oct. 26 - work on hand-in review for Chapter 3 (due Fri. Oct. 28)
Oct. 27 - Start Ch. 4 Roots and Powers p.202 - 4.1 Estimating Roots p.204 - notes/activity p.206 #1-6
Oct. 28 - Ch. 3 review due. 4.2 Irrational #'s p.207 - notes/examples p.211#3,6,9,12,15,17,20,23

CE 9-I

Oct. 25 - Read p.47/48 (do questions) Start Scripture Activity (handout needed)
Oct. 26 - work on scripture comic strip
Oct. 27 - last day to work on comic strip
*****Take Your Kid to Work Forms are due Oct. 24 (2 forms)*****
*****3 service hours are due by Oct. 25******

CE 9-0

Oct. 24 - 2.4 How Do I Get Along With Others? Read p.43-46 (do questions). Party Invitation List. Read p.47/48 (do questions). Start Scripture Activity (handout needed)
Oct. 26 - work on scripture comic strip
Oct. 27 - last day to work on comic strip
*****Take Your Kid to Work Forms - due Oct. 24 (2 forms)*******
*****3 service hours are due by Oct. 25*******

Foods 9

Oct. 24 - Yogurt and Cheese Test. Read Snacks and do handouts. Lab 7: Potato Skins, Tortilla Roll Ups, and Bruschetta. Last Class! Recipe books and duo-tangs due!
Oct. 31 - Lab 7: Potato Skins, Tortilla Roll Ups, and Bruschetta

Foods 8

Oct. 25 - Fruits and Vegetables Test. lab 7: Sugar Cookies (bring halloween cookie cutters from home if you can!). This is the last class. Recipe books and duo-tangs are due.
Oct. 28 - Lab 7: Sugar Cookies

Friday, October 14, 2011

Math 10

Oct. 17 - 3.5 Polynomials of the Form x2 +bx +c p.159 - notes/examples. Start p.166#4-6,11,12,14,15,21 odd letters for all of these
Oct. 18 - finish 3.5
Oct. 19 - Ch. 3 quiz. Start3.6 Polynomials of the form ax2 +bx +c p.168 - notes/examples p.177 #5,6,9,10 odd letters for each of these
Oct. 20 - 3.6 more notes/examples. Part 2 assignment p.177 #7,13,15,18,21 odd letters for each

Math 9

Oct. 17 - finish review
Oct. 18 - Start Ch. 3 Rational #'s - 3.1 What is a Rational #?p.94 - notes/activity
Oct. 19 - 3.1 p.101#5-8 odd letters,13 all,14 odds,20,21,23-26 odds
Oct. 20 - 3.2 Adding Rational #'s p.106 - notes/activity
*****Grade 9's should have 3 tests that have been signed by their parents and returned to me. Ch 1 Quiz and Test, Ch. 2 Quiz.********

Math 8

Oct. 17 - 2.4 Developing Rules to Divide Integers p.84 - notes and p.87 #5 odds,8,9 all,10 odds,11,12 all,15 odds,16,20,21,23. pm class - Start 2.5 Order of Operations with Integers p.90 - notes/activity. Start p.92 #5,7-10 odd letters,11,12ab,15,17ac
Oct. 18 - no class
Oct. 19 - finish p.92. Start the Unit Review p.97 #1-15ace for each, 16-21 all, 22ab,23ab,24
Oct. 20 - work on review
Oct. 21 - finish review (due to hand in Mon.)
****The grade 8's should have 2 tests signed from their parents and brought back to me from Ch. 1*****

CE 9-0

Oct. 18 - 2.3 Is it ok to Feel this Way? pipe cleaner activity and discussion questions. Read p.37-41 Bound in Leather (do questions)
Oct. 19 - Read p.41/42. Notes and Passionate crossword

CE 9-I

Oct. 17 - read p.37-41 Bound in Leather (do questions). Read p.41/42 - do notes and start Passionate Crossword
Oct. 18 - finish crossword. Start 2.4 How do I Get Along with Others? read p.43-46 (do questions). Party Invitation List (activity)Oct. 19 - read p.47/48(do questions). Start scipture activity(handout)Bible needed

Foods 9

Oct. 21 - Lab 6: Lazy Perogy Casserole

Foods 8

Oct. 17 - Read Fruits and Vegetables p.409-416. Handout of notes. Do all sets of questions. Lab 6: Pineapple Lo Chicken
Oct. 20 - Lab 6: Pineapple Lo Chicken

Health 7

Oct. 19 - finish magazine or newspaper ad. Do handouts on lesson 3

Friday, October 7, 2011

Math 10

Oct. 11 - 3.2 Perfect Squares and Cubes and Their Roots p.142 - notes/examples. p.146 #4-8 odd letters for each,9,10,13,16 (due Fri.)
Oct. 12 - Ch. 2 Test
Oct. 14 - 3.3 Common Factors of Polynomials - notes/examples . p.155 #4,7-10 odd letters for each, 14ac,16ace,17. 3.4 Modelling Trinomials as Binomials (need algebra tiles) p.158 #1abcd,2abcd,3,4

Math 9

Oct. 11 - 2.4 p.76 #4/5 odd letters,6,12,13 odds,14,15,17,19,20
Oct. 12 - 2.5 Exponent Laws II p.79 - notes/activity
Oct. 13 - 2.5 - finish notes/examples. Start p.84 #4-11 odd letters,13,15ace,16ace,19ace,21
Oct. 14 - finish 2.5 assignment

Math 8

Oct. 11 - 2.3 Using Models to Divide Integers p.77 - notes/activity (need red and yellow markers)
Oct. 12 - 2.3 p.80 #5,6 and 8 odd letters for each, 10,12,14,16-18
Oct. 13 - Mid Review p.83 #1-13 all (to hand in)
Oct. 14 - 2.4 Developing Rules to Divide Integers p.84 - notes/examples. p.87 #5 odd letters,8,9 all,10 odd letters,11,12,15 odd letters,16,20,21,23

CE 9-0

Oct. 11 - go over handouts. Read p.29-32 in text: 7 Ways to Be Smart (notes and group activity)
Oct. 14 - presentations on learning style. Read p.32-34 in text. Do questions. Start 2.3 Is it OK to Feel this Way? Pipe cleaner activity and discussion questions

CE 9-I

Oct. 11 - group presentations on learning styles. Read p.32-34 in text. Do questions. Start 2.3 Is it OK to Feel This Way? Pipe cleaner activity & discussion questions

Foods 9

Oct. 13 - Lab 5: Italian Family Bake
Oct. 14 - go over yogurt/cheese handouts. (quiz next class). Read next chapter on Eggs. Do questions and handouts. Lab 6 recipe: Lazy Perogy Casserole

Foods 8

Lab 5: Pizza

Health 7

Oct. 11 - comics due. Go over handouts from lesson 2. Start lesson 3: What Affects your Health? read p.18-22 in text. Vocabulary and questions p.22 #2-5. Start activity: Newspaper or magazine ad about a product that could affect your health.(in pairs)
Oct. 13 - continue on ad.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Math 10

Oct. 5 - finish 2.7 assignment. Work on Ch.2 review (due tomorrow)
Oct. 6 - Start Ch.3 Factors and Products - 3.1 Factors and Multiples of Whole #'s p.134 - notes/examples. Start p.140 #5ace,8ace,9a,10ac,11c,13,15ab,16ab,21
Oct. 7 - finish 3.1. Start 3.2 Perfect Squares, Perfect Cubes and Their Roots p.142 - notes/examples. Start p.146 #4-8 odd letters,9,10,13,16

Math 9

Oct. 5 - Mid-Unit Review p.69#1-10
Oct. 6 - 2.4 Exponent Laws 1 p.73 - notes/activity
Oct. 7 - Ch. 2 Quiz

Math 8

Oct. 5 - 2.2 Developing Rules to Multiply Integers - notes/activity
Oct. 6 - 2.2 p.73 #4 odds,7-9 odds, 10,11,16,19,21
Oct. 7 - Game: What's my Product. Smartboard activities

CE 9-O and 9-I

Oct. 5 (9-O only) - Start 2.2 How Do I Know What I Know? 6 questions on the board, circle graph of where you learn your info. from, handouts on learning styles.
Oct. 7 - go over handouts from last day. Read p.29 - 32 Seven Ways to be Smart - notes. October prayer - Thanksgiving/Gratitude (due next class)

Foods 9

Oct. 4 - lab 4: Banana Cream or Chocolate Pie
Oct. 5 - Milk Test. Rea Chapter on Yogurt and Cheese. Handouts on Yogurt and Cheese. Lab 5: Italian Family Bake

Foods 8

Oct. 6 - finish posters. Read Storing Food p.204-207. Lab 5: Pizza

Friday, September 23, 2011

Math 10

Sept. 26 - Ch. 1 Test. 2. Measuring an Inaccessable Height p.86 #1-3. Start 2.4 The Sine and Cosine Ratios p.89 - notes
Sept. 27 - finish 2.4 p.95 #5-7,9,10 odd letters for each of these, 12,14
Sept. 28 - 2.5 Using Sine and Cosine Ratios to Calculate Heights p. 97 - notes/examples p.101 #3ac,4ac,5ac,7,9,10,13
Sept. 29 -2.6 Applying the Trigonometric Ratios p.105 - notes/examples p.111 #3/4 odd letters,6,8,11,12,15
Sept. 30 - 2.7 Solving Problems Involving more than One Right Triangle p.113 - notes/examples. Start p.118 #4ac,5ac,7,9,14,18

Math 9

Sept. 26 - 2.1 p.55 #4,5,7-10,12-14 odd letters,17-21
Sept. 27 - Ch. 1 Test
Sept. 28 - 2.2 Powers of 10 and the Zero Exponent p.58 - notes and p.61 #4-10 odd letters, 10-15 all
Sept. 29 - 2.3 Order of Operations with Powers p.63 - notes/activity
Sept. 30 - 2.3 p.66 #4/5 odd letters,7-12,17,18,22,25

Math 8

Sept. 26 - 1.7 p.49 #4ac,5ac,6-9,13,14,16,22
Sept. 27 - Start unit review p.54#1,2ab,4ac,5ac,6ai,ii,vi,b,7-11,13ace,14ace,17ac,18ac,19a,20,21,22ad,24,27
Sept. 28 - finish review
Sept. 29 - reviews due. Start Ch. 2 Integers p.62 - 2.1 Using Models to Multiply Integers p.64 - notes/activity
Sept. 30 - 2.1 p.68 #5-11 odd letters,12,15,18,20c

CE 9-I

Sept. 27 - read p.22-24 (define incarnation, do questions). Case studies (in groups). Present at end of class
Sept. 28 - read p.26/27. List 7 things you don't have for which you are grateful. Health Plan. Start 2.2 How do I Know what I Know? questions and handout.
Sept. 29 - read p.29-32. Group activity based on learning style.

CE 9-0

Sept. 26 - Make posters for the food drive
Sept. 28 - read p. 22-24 (define incarnation, do questions). Case Studies (in groups). Present at end of class
Sept. 29 - read p.26/27. List 7 things you don't have for which you are grateful. Health Plan. Start 2.2 How do I Know what I know? questions and handout

Foods 9

Sept. 26 - go over handouts on milk. Read Ch. 24 Yogurt and Cheese - do questions #1-6. Lab 4 recipe: Banana Cream or Chocolate Pie

Foods 8

Sept. 27 - Quiz on Kitchen Safety and Sanitation. Work on posters. Lab 4 recipe: Pumpkin Pie
Sept. 30 - Lab 4:Pumpkin Pie

Health 7

Sept. 29 - finish comic strips. Do handouts for lesson 2

Friday, September 16, 2011

Math 10

Sept. 20 - Reviews due. Start Ch. 2 Trigonometry - 2.1 The Tangent Ratio p.70 - notes/activity - start p. 75#4-6,8,10 odd letters for all of these,12,16,17
Sept. 21 - finish 2.1 assignment. Start 2.2 Using the Tangent Ratio to Calculate Heights p .78 - notes/activity
Sept. 22 - finish 2.2 p.82#3ac,5ac,6,7,9a,11,15

Math 9

Sept. 20 - finish review
Sept. 21 - finish review. (due Sept. 22)
Sept. 23 - Start Ch.2 powers and Exponent Laws - 2.1 What is a Power? p.52 - notes/activity

Math 8

Sept. 20 - 1.5 p.34#3a,4a,5ab,6ab,8ab,10,12,14ab,15
Sept. 21 - 1.6 Exploring the Pythagorean Theorem p.39 - notes/activity
Sept. 22 - 1.6 p.43 #4bc,6bceg,7ab,8-10,15,16
Sept. 23 - 1.7 Applying the Pythagorean Theorem p.46 - notes/activity

CE 9-O and 9-I

Sept. 20 - Ch. 1 Quiz. Start Ch. 2 Be Alive - 2.1 How do I Look? read p.18-24 in text and do all questions
Sept. 21 - finish questions from last day. Case studies (in groups). read p.26/27. List 7 things you don't have for which you are grateful.

Foods 9

Sept. 23 - Lab 3: Quiche

Foods 8

Sept. 22 - Lab 3: Fried Rice

Health 7

Sept. 21 - finish reading p.16/17 (finish vocab. and chart). Start on a comic strip (encouraging teens to be active on a regular basis) develop characters and a storyline. Can be done with a partner
Sept. 23 - work on comic strips

Friday, September 9, 2011

Math 10

Sept. 12 - 1.5 Volume of Right Pyramids & Right Cones p.36 - notes/examples p.42#4a,5,6a,7,8b,9a,10,12,16,18,21
Sept. 13 - 1.6 Surface Area & Volume of a Sphere - notes/examples p.51 #3ab,4,5a,7,9,11,17,21
Sept. 15 - 1.7 Solving Problems Involving Objects p.55 - notes/examples p.59 #3ab,5,7,9-11.Work on the Chapter review for the second class period.
Sept. 16 - Ch. 2 Trigonometry - 2.1 The Tangent Ratio p.70 - notes/examples. Start p.75 #3-6,8,10 odd letters for all of these, 12,16,17,21

Math 9

Sept. 12 - 1.3 finish examples. Start p.30#4ace,6,7,8ab,10,15
Sept. 13 - Ch. 1 Quiz (finish 1.3 assignment)
Sept. 14 - 1.4 Surface Area of Other Composite Objects p.33 - notes/activity
Sept. 15 - 1.4 p.40 #3ace,6,7,9
Sept. 16 - Start Unit Review p.45 #1-6abc of each,8abc,9abc,11ab,12a,13ab,15ac,16ac,19

Math 8

Sept. 12 - finish 1.4. Start Mid-Unit Review p. 30#1-11 all (5ac only) To be handed in.
Sept. 13 - Finish review.
Sept. 14 - Reviews due. Play game on p.28. Start on 1.5 The Pythagorean Theorem p.31 - notes/activity
Sept. 15 - finish notes/examples from 1.5. Start p.34 #3a,4a,5ab,6ab,8ab,10,12,14ab,15
Sept. 16 - Ch. 1 Quiz (finish 1.5 assignment)

CE 9-O and 9-I

Sept. 12 - finish Beatitude handouts. Start cartoon drawing "A Beatitude Friend" (10 characteristics)
Sept. 15/16 - finish cartoon. Video on Beatitudes.

Foods 9

Sept. 14 - Lab 2: Petite Cheesecake
Sept. 15 - do handouts on milk, quiz on Milk next class. Lab 3 recipe: Italian Family Bake

Foods 8

Sept. 13 - Lab 2: Fruit Crisp
Sept. 16 - finish reading Sanitation p.197-203, do questions #1-5, start poster if time (Rules of Sanitation/Kitchen Safety) Lab 3 recipe: Fried Rice

Health 7

Sept. 12 - Finish questions from last day, do handouts, Start Lesson 2: Skills for Building Health p.10
Sept. 14 - Read p.10-15 in text. Define vocab. words on p.10, do chart on 10 skills

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Math 10

Sept. 7 - 1.3 p.22 #4-6 odd letters,8,10-12,15,16. Start 1.4 Surface Area of Right Pyramids and Right Cones p.26 - notes/activity/formulas
Sept. 8 - 1.4 finish notes p.34 #4,8,9,11,13b,15,16,20
Sept. 9 - Ch. 1 Quiz - finish assignment from 1.4

Math 9

Sept. 6 - 1.2 p.18 #6ac,7ac,9-13 odd letters,14,17,19,24
Sept. 7 - Mid-Unit Review p.21 #1,2,3a-d,4-7,8abc,9,10abc,11abc
Sept. 8 finish review
Sept. 9 - 1.3 Surface Area of Objects Made from Right Rect. Prisms p.25 -notes/activity

Math 8

Sept. 6 - 1.3 Measuring Line Segments p.17 - notes/activity
Sept. 7 - 1.3 p. 20#5,7,8a,11,14
Sept. 8 - finish 1.3. Start 1.4 Estimating Square Roots p.22 - notes/activity p.25 #5,7,8,10,13,15,20-22
Sept. 9 - finish 1.4 assignment. Start the Mid-unit review if time p.30 #1-11 all (only do 5ac)

CE 9-O and 9-I

Sept. 7/8 - Read p.6-10 in test. Do questions. Start The Beatitudes - p.10-15 in text.
Sept. 9 - Sept. prayer due. Do handouts on beatitudes. Start cartoon if time (A Beatitude Friend)

Health 7

Sept. 7 - Start Ch. 1 Understanding Health & Wellness - 1. Your Total Health read p.4-9 in text. Notes/handouts

Foods 8

Sept. 8 - Sanitation - read p.195-203. Notes, questions #1-5. Lab 2 Recipe: Fruit Crisp

Foods 9

Sept. 6 - Lab 1: Potato Soup
Sept. 7 - Outline/texts/evaluation. Milk & Dairy Products - read p.150-156. Start handouts. Lab 2 Recipe: Petite Cheesecakes

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Health 7

Sept. 1 - Health Goals activity - Mental, Social, Physical,and Spiritual Goals for the year. Due next class.

CE 9-O and 9-I

Aug. 30/31 - Name Activity
Sept. 1 - finish name activity. Start Unit 1 Be With Me - 1.1 Who do I Want to Be With - list 10 qualities of friendship

Foods 8

Aug. 30 - Read Safety in the Kitchen. Summarize 10 facts. Word search. Recipe #1:Fruit Pizza
Sept.2 - Lab #1:Fruit Pizza (ned apron, hair tie, and container)

Math 10

Aug. 31 - Ch. 1 Measurement - 1.1 Imperial Measures of Length p.4 - notes/activity
Sept. 1 - 1.1 p.11 #3,4,8,10,13,14,17,19,20
Sept. 2 - 1.2 Math Lab - brief notes p.15 #1,2,4,6. Start 1.3 Relating SI and Imperial Units p.16 - notes/activity

Math 9

Aug. 31 - Ch. 1 Square Roots and Surface Area - 1.1 Square Roots of Perfect Squares p.6 - notes/activity
Sept. 1 - 1.1 p.11 #3,4, all,5 odds,6 all,7-10 odds,13,14,19
Sept. 2 - 1.2 Square Roots of Non Perfect Squares p.14 - notes/activity

Math 8

Aug. 30 - Ch. 1 Square Roots & The Pythagorean Theorem 1.1 Square #'s & Area Models p.6 - Notes/activity (graph paper needed throughout this chapter)
Aug. 31 - 1.1 p.8 #5,8-12,16,18-20
Sept. 1 - 1.2 Square and Square roots - notes/activity
Sept. 2 - 1.2 p.15 #6-9,11,13aceg,14,16,19

Friday, June 10, 2011

Math 10-T

June 13 - finish 7.5 p.311#1-5,7, Start Ch. 7 Review
June 14 - finish Ch. 7 Review
June 15-17 - review for final exam

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

June 13 - 8.6 p.476#3-5,8-10,12,13
June 14 - go through Provincial Assessments, Start Unit Reviewp.483 #1-11,13-16
June 15 - finish unit review
June 16/17 - review for final exams

Math 9-0

June 13 - Cumulative Review p.464#1-29 (select questions)
June 14 - finish review. Stat reviewing for final exam
June 15 - review
June 16/17 - Division Math Assessment

CE 9-0

June 13 - 6.2 How Much is Enough - discuss poverty/wealth, handouts, paired teaching activity (need bibles)
June 15 - read p. 137/138, 6.3 How can the Earth Survive? Write a creative story from the perspective from an object in nature. Share stories.
*****Service hours are due by June 14th

Health 9-0

June 14 - Test: Dating and Relationships

Foods 7

June 13 - finish posters, hand in recipe books, last lab recipe - cupcakes
June 16 - last lab - Cupcake (final class to hand in poster and recipe book)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Math 10-T

June 7 - 7.3 The Cosine Ratio p.293 - notes/examples p.297#1,2,4-6,8
June 8 - 7.4 The Tangent Ratio p.301 - notes/examples p.305#1-7
June 9 - 7.5 Finding Angles and Solving Right Triangles p.307 - notes/examples p.311#1-7

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

June 7 - 8.5 Constructing Tessellations p.462 - notes/activity
June 8 - 8.5 p.467#6,7,9,11-14,17 (handout needed)
June 9 - 8.6 Identifying Transformations in Tessellations p.471 - notes/activity

Math 9-0

June 6 - Unit review p.458#1-3,5,7-16
June 9 - Cumulative Review p.312/313 #1-16 (choose what letters you want o do as this is to prepare you for the Division Exam next week)
June 10 - Ch. 9 Test

CE 9-0

June 10 - 6.2 How Much is Enough? Discuss poverty and wealth. Handout, myths/facts about hunger, read p.132-134 (do questions)

Health 9-0

June 6 - finish movie. Dating and Relationship Test next class.

Foods 7

June 8 - Lab 7: Cinnamon Rolls

Monday, May 30, 2011

Math 10-T

May 30 - Start Ch. 7 Trigonometry of Right Triangles - 7.1 Pythagorean's Theorem p.272 - notes, ex.1/2 p.274-277, p.278#1-4,6-8,11
May 31 - Ch. 6 reviews due. 7.2 Sine Ratio p.283 - notes, ex.1/2 p.288/289
June 1 - 7.2 p.289#1-8
June 2 - Cosine Ratio p.293 - notes, ex.1-3 p.294-297, p.279#1-6,8
June 3 - Ch. 6 Test

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

May 30 - 8.4 Identifying Transformations - notes/activity (dot paper, miras and tracing paper needed for this section)
May 31 - 8.4 p.460 #5-11
June 1 - 8.5 Constructing Tessellations p.462 - notes/activity
June 2 - writing Provincial Math test (Part 1)
June 3 - 8.5 p.467 #6,7,9,11-14,17

Math 9-0

May 30 - 9.3 p.440#1-9
May 31 - Mid-Unit Review p.444#1-9 Start 9.4 if time
June 1 - 9.4 Selecting a Sample p.445 - notes/activity
June 2 - 9.4 p.448 #1-12
June 3 - 9.5 Design a Project Plan p.454 - notes/activity

CE 9-0

May 30 - Finish activity sheet (4th commandment in my home), 5.2 Whom Should I Obey in Society? brainstorm activity, read p.116-119
June 2 - no class (Liturgy of the Word)
June 3 - finish p.116-119 (do questions) Start Ch. 6: Be Just - 6.1 What Keeps us Apart? -discussion, read p.126-128 (do questions), read p.129-130 (do handout)

Foods 7

May 31 - Lab 6: Chocolate Oat Chippers
June 3 - work on posters, Copy out recipe for Cinnamon

Friday, May 20, 2011

Math 10-T

May 24 - 6.4 - Activity 6.8 p.261, p.261#1-5,6 challenge
May 25 - Chapter 6 Review
May 26 - Start Ch. 7 Trigonometry of Right Triangles p.270 - 7.1 Pythagorean's Theorem p.272 - notes, ex.1/2 p.274-277, start p.278 #1-4,6-8,11
May 27 - finish p. 278 from last day

Math 9-0

May 24 - 9.2 p.435 #3-7,9,12-15
May 25 - 9.3 Using Samples an Population to Collect Data p.437 - notes/activity
May 26 - 9.3 p.440 #3-11
May 27 - Mid-Unit Review p.444#1-9

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

May 24 - 27 - work on review for the provincial math assessment. There are 2 booklets to practice. We will correct the booklets on May 27 so they must be completed for then.

CE 9-0

May 25 - Finish activity sheet (4th Commandment), 5.2 Whom Should I Obey in Society? Brainstorming activity, read p.116-119 in text (do questions)
May 26 - Start Ch. 6: Be Just - 6.1 What Keeps us Apart? discussion, read p.126-128 in text (do questions), read p.129-130 - do handout

Health 9-0

May 27 - Movie: A Walk to Remember

Friday, May 13, 2011

Math 10-T

May 16 - Ch. 5 Test
May 17 - 6.2 - do ex. 3 p.240, Activity 6.2 p.242, Activity 6.3 p.242, p.243#1-8,9 challenge
May 18 - 6.3 Drawing Similar Polygons p.247 - notes, Mental Math p.247, Activity 6.4 p.248, ex. 1/2 p.248-250
May 19 - 6.3 - Activity 6.5 p.250, Activity 6.6 p.251, p.252 #1-6, 7challenge
May 20 - 6.4 Similar Triangles p.257 - notes, Mental Math p.258, Discuss the Ideas p.25 #-3, ex. 1/2 p.259, Activity 6.7 p.260

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

May 16 - 8.2 Drawing Views of Rotated Objects p.441 - notes/activity
May 17 - Ch. 7 Test
May 18 - 8.2 p.444 #3,4,6,7,9-11 (linking cubes and dot paper needed)
May 19 - 8.3 Building Objects from Their Views p.447 - notes/activity (cubes needed)
May 20 - 8.3 p.450 #4,6-11,14. Start Mid-Unit Review if time p.455 #1-6

Math 9-0

May 16 - Ch. 8 Test
May 17 - 9.1 p.427#3-6,9-12,17
May 18 - 9.2 Potential Problems with Collecting Data p.431 - note/activity
May 19 - 9.2 p.435 #3-7,9,12-15
May 20 - no class (going to the Art gallery with Mrs. Lavioe)

CE 9-0

May 16 - Unit 4 Test
May 17 - Start Ch. 5; Be Obedient - 5.1 Why Should I Obey My Parents or Anyone Else in my Family? chart authority, read p. 108-112 (do questions), activity sheet
May 19 - read p. 112, activity sheet, Start 5.2 Whom Should I Obey in Society? brainstorm activity, read p. 116-119 (do questions)

Health 9-0

May 18 - LIFE handouts, Start watching movie, "A Walk to Remember"

Foods 7

May 17 - Quiz #4. Work on Safety Posters, copy out recipe for Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
May 20 - Lab 5: Banana Choc. Chip Muffins

Friday, May 6, 2011

Math 10-T

May 9 - Ch. 5 Review (due Thurs. May 12th)
May 10 - Start Ch. 6 Similarity of Figures p.224 - 6.1 Similar Polygons p.226 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.227, do ex.1-3 p.227-230
May 12 - 6.1 Activity 6.1 p.231, p.232 #1-7 all
May 13 - 6.2 Determining if Two Polygons are Similar p.236 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.237 #1-3, Discuss the Ideas p.238 #1-3, ex.1 and 2 p.238/239, Discuss the Ideas p. 240, Mental math p.240

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

May 9 - finish 7.4 from Friday (p.420 #4,6-9,12,14,16. Start Unit Review p.424 #2-4,6-15
May 10 - finish Unit Review (to hand in Thurs.)
May 12 - Start Ch. 8 Geometry p.432 - 8.1 Sketching Views of Objects p.434 - notes/activity (linking cubes and dot paper needed for this lesson)
May 13 - 8.1 p.437 #4,6-8,10,12,15,16,18

Math 9-0

May 9 - finish Unit review p.418 #1-10 all
May 10 - Unit Problem p.421 Creating a Logo - in pairs
May 12 - no class (going to Art Gallery with Mrs. Lavoie)
May 13 - finish logo (Optional if done: Practice Test p.420 #1-7

CE 9-0

May 10 - finish posters - Skills for a healthy Relationships (due next class)

Health 9-0

May 9 - last day to work on computer assignment

Foods 7

May 12 - Lab #4: French Toast and Omelettes

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Math 10-T

May 2 - 5.3 Non-Parallel Lines and Transversals p.198 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.200#1-3
May 3 - 5.3 - Activity 5.6 p.201 #1-6, Examples 1 and 2 p.202-204, p.04 #1-4
May 4 -5.4 Parallel Lines and Transversals p. 303 - notes, Discuss the Ides p.211
May 5 - 5.4 - Activity 5.7 p.212 (need 1 cm grid paper), Examples 1 and 2 p.212
May 6 - 5.4 - p.214 #1-7, Puzzle it Out p.218

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

May 2 - finish p.399 from before the break. Mid-Review p.406 #1,2
May 3 - 7.3 Probability of Independent Events p. 407 - notes/activity
May 4 - 7.3 p.411 #3-7,10-12,15
May 5 - 7.4 Solving Probability Involving Independent Events - notes and p.420 #4,6-9,12,14,16
May 6 - Start Unit Review p.424 #2-4,6-15

Math 9-0

May 2 - Mid-review p.403 #1-7 all
May 3 - finish review (hand in) Start 8.3 Properties of Angles in a Circle p.404 - notes/activities
May 4 - finish notes/examples. Start p.410 #3-5,7,9,11
May 5 - finish p. 410 assignment
May 6 - Unit Review p. 418 #1-10

CE 9-0

May 2 - Read p.100-102 Does Love Accept Abuse? do questions. Role play (in groups). Handout needed.
May 5 - Poster: Skills for a Healthy Relationship
May 6 - Ch. 4 Test

Foods 7

May 3 - Lab 3: Macaroni and Cheese
May 6 - Quiz #3. Finish questions on Safety in the Kitchen, start Safety poster. Lab 4: French Toast

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Math 10-T

Apr. 18 - 5.2 Angle Bisectors and Parallel Lines p.187 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.188, ex 1 p.188
Apr. 19 - 5.2 - Activity 5.4 p.190, Activity 5.5 p.191 #1-5
Apr. 20 - p.192 #1-7, Roots of Math p.197 #1-3

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

Apr.18 - Practice TEst p.374 #1-8
Apr. 19 - Ch. 6 Test
Apr. 20 - finish 7.2 p.399 #4-8,10,11,14,16

Math 9-O

Apr. 18 - 8.2 Properties of Chords in a Circle p.392 - notes/activity (need geom. set and scissors)
Apr. 19 - finish 8.2 - start p.397 #3-7 odd letters,8,10-12,14,17
Apr. 20 - finish p.397. Game: 7 Counters p.402

CE 9-O

Apr. 18 - no class (Way of the Cross)
Apr. 20 - finish collages "Love Gone Right/Love Gone Wrong"

Foods 7

Apr. 19 - Quiz #2, Safety in the Kitchen, Lab 3 Recipe: Macaroni and Cheese

Health 9-O

Apr. 20 - last day to work on computer assignment

Friday, April 8, 2011

Math 10-T

Apr. 11 - Start Ch. 5 Angles and Parallel Lines - 5.1 Measuring, Drawing and Estimating Angles p.174 - notes, example 1 p.175, Discuss the Ideas p.178 #1,2, Activity 5.1 p.179
Apr. 13 - 5.1 - Mental math p.178, Example 2,3 p.180, Activity 5.2 p.181,example 4 p.181, Activity 5.3 p.182
Apr. 14 - Ch. 4 Test
Apr. 15 - 5.1 - example 5, p.184 #1-6

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

Apr. 11 - Unit Review p.371 #1,2ace,3,4bdf,5,6ac,10ac,12ac,14-18,21ac,22
Apr. 13 - finish the review
Apr. 14 - Start Ch. 7 Data Analysis and Probability - 7.1 Choosing an Appropriate Graph p.382 - notes/activity
Apr. 15 - 7.1 p.387 #4-10,12

Math 9-O

Apr. 11 - Flags due. Symmetry Scavenger hunt and practice test p.380 #1-4
Apr. 13 - Ch. 7 Test
Apr. 14 - Start Ch. 8 Circle Geometry - 8.1 Properties of Tangents to a Circle p.384 - notes/activity (geometry sets needed for this chapter)
Apr. 15 - 8.1 p.388 #3,5ab,6ab,7,11,12,14-16,20

CE 9-O

Apr. 11 - Examine songs and their messages on intimacy and chastity. Start 4.4 How does Love go Wrong? discuss, statistics on dating violence, read p. 104-105
Apr. 13 - Collage: Love Gone Right, Love Gone Wrong

Foods 7

Apr. 11 - Quiz, go over measuring rules handout, terms used,Lab 2 recipe: Brownies
Apr. 14 - Lab 2: Brownies

Friday, April 1, 2011

Math 10-T

Apr. 4- 4.3 Mass in the SI System p.154 - notes, Activity 4.5 p.154 #1-3, Activity 4.6 p.155 #1-3, example 1, Discuss the Ideas p.156
Apr. 5 - Activity 4.7 p.156 #1-3, Activity 4.8 p.157 #1-3, Discus the Ideas p.157, p.158 #1-7
Apr. 6 - 4.4 Making Conversions p.162 - notes, conversion charts, Discuss the Ideas p.163, Activity 4.9 p.163 #1/2, example 1 p.163
Apr. 7 - Activity 4.10 p.165, p.165 #1-3,5,7,8 challenge

Math 10-T

Math 9-O

Apr. 4 - 7.7 finish notes/examples. Start p.373 #3ac,4-7,11,12
Apr. 5 - finish 7.7. Start the Unit Review p.377 #1ac,3,4,6-9,11-5,17-19
Apr. 6 - finish the unit review
Apr. 7 - Unit Problem - Designing a Flag p.381 (in pairs)
Apr. 8 - finish the unit problem

Math 9-O

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

Apr. 4 - 6.6 Creating a Table of Values p.351 -notes/activity
Apr. 5 - 6.6 p.356 #4ac,5ac,6,7,8ac,9ac,11,12,14
Apr. 6 - Algebra Quiz
Apr. 7 - 6.7 Graphing Linear Equations p.359 - notes/activity (graph paper needed)
Apr. 8 - 6.7 p.363 #4, 5ag, 6agh,7,11,12ac,14

CE 9-O

Apr. 5 - Dear Abby letters, read p.81-85 (do questions), start 4.3 Why Wait? talk about self-control
Apr. 8 - read p.87-90 (do questions), notes/definitions, read p90-95 (do questions). Critique song lyrics, start 4.4 How does Love go Wrong?

Health 9-O

Apr. 4 - Work on Dating/Relationships computer assignment

Foods 7

Apr. 6 - Lab #1: Rice Krispie Squares

Foods 7

Apr. 6 - Lab #1: Rice Krispie Squares

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Math 10-T

Mar. 28 - Start Ch. 4: Mass, Temperature, and Volume p.136 4.1 Temp. Conversions p.138 - notes, Activity 4.1 p.139 #1-6
Mar. 29 - Ch. 3 Review due. 4.1 - Activity 4.2 p.139 #1-4, examples 1 and 2 p.141, Activity 4.3 p.143 #1/2, p.143#1-3,5,6
Mar. 30 - 4.2 Mass in the Imperial System p.146 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.148, Activity 4.4 p.149
Mar. 31 - 4.2 - examples 1/2, p.149-151, p.151-153 #1-5
Apr. 1 - Ch. 3 Test

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

Mar. 28 - 6.4 p.342 #5,6,7ace,8ace,9,12ace,13,14,16,18
Mar. 29 - 6.5 Solving Equations Using the Distributive Property p.344 - notes/activity
Mar. 30 - 6.5 p.347 #4ac,5ac,6-9,11,13,14,16,17
Mar. 31 - Mid-Unit Review p.350 #1-10
Apr. 1 - finish review. Play Algebra games when done.

Math 9-O

Mar. 28 - 7.5 p.357 #3-8,10 (need grid paper)
Mar. 29 - Game (Make your own kaleidoscope) 7.6 Rotations and Rotational Symmetry p.361 - notes/activity
Mar. 30 - finish notes on 7.6 Start p.365 #4-10 odd letters, 13 14
Mar. 31 - finish p.365
Apr. 1 - 7.7 Identifying Types of Symmetry on the Cartesian Plane p.368 - notes/activity

C.E. 9-0

Mar. 28 - Assignments due. Start 4.2 What is the Loving Thing to Do? Decision making, read p.76/77 (do questions), p.77-81 (in pairs) Outline for notetaking
Mar. 31 - go over notes. Dear Abby letters, read p.81-85 (do questions)
Apr. 1 - 4.3 Why Wait? Self-control, read p.87-90 (do questions), notes on terminology, read p. 90-95 (do questions) Bring in songs about love/intimacy for next class (make sure they are appropriate!)

Foods 7

Apr. 1 - Course outline/expectations (apron, recipe book, container and hair tie needed each lab) Handout - kitchen tools. Lab 1: Rice Krispies

Friday, March 18, 2011

Math 10-T

Mar. 23 - finish Activity 3.9 p.126, do examples 1-3 p.127-130, Activity 3.10 p.130
Mar. 24 - p.132 #1-5, 6 challenge
Mar. 25 - Ch. 3 Review (due Mar. 29)

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

Mar. 23 - 6.3 p.336 #3ac,4ac,6-11,13bc,14
Mar. 24 - 6.4 The Distributive Property p.338 - notes/activity
Mar. 25 - 6.4 p.342 #5,6,7ace,8ace,9,12ace,13,14,16,18

Math 9-O

Mar. 23 - Mid-Unit Review p.352 #1-7
Mar. 24 - 7.5 Reflections and Line Symmetry p.353 - notes/activity (grid paper and miras needed)
Mar. 25 - Ch. 7 Quiz

C.E. 9-0

Mar 23 and 24 - work on "Love in our Culture Assignment" (due Mar. 28)

Health 9-O

Mar. 25 - Start Computer Hand-in Assignment: Dating and Relationships (refer to handout)

Foods 7

Mar. 24 - last single class. Handouts, quiz #4, copy out Lab 7 recipe: Cinnamon buns. Recipe books due Mar. 29
Mar. 29 - Last lab: Cinnamon Buns

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Math 10-T

Mar. 14 - 3.2 Discuss the Ideas p.111, p.111 #1-8
Mar. 15 - 3.3 Surface Area p.115 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.116 #1-5, Activity 3.6 p.116
Mar. 16 - 3.3 - Activity 3.7 p.117 #1-4, examples 1 and 2 p.118/119
Mar. 17 - 3.3 - Activity 3.8 p.120 #1-3, p.121 #1-5 all
Mar. 18 - 3.4 Volume p.124 - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.125, Activity 3.9 p.126 #1/2

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

Mar. 14 - Practice Test p.312
Mar. 15 - Ch. 5 Test
Mar. 16 - 6.2 Solving Equations Using Algebra p.327 - notes/activity
Mar. 17 - 6.2 p.331 #5ace,6ac,7,8,10,11ace,12ace,13,14
Mar. 18 - 6.3 Solving Equations using Fractions p.333 - notes/activity

Math 9-O

Mar. 14 - 7.3 Similar Polygons - notes/examples. Start on p.341 4ac,5ac,6,7,9,11,12,13,16
Mar. 15 - finish 7.3 assignment
Mar. 16 - 7.4 Similar Triangles p.343 - notes/activity
Mar. 17 - no class (gone to Victoria Hospital)
Mar. 18 - 7.4 p.349 #4cd,5bc,6ac,7-10,12,13

C.E. 9-0

Mar. 16 - Start "Love in our Culture" assignment - handout
Mar. 17 - gone to Victoria hospital

Health 9-O

Mar. 15 - Continue on dating unit - handouts

Foods 7

Mar. 14 - Lab 6: Chocolate Oat Chippers
Mar. 17 - Work on Safety posters

Friday, March 4, 2011

Math 10-T

Mar. 7 - 3.1 p.102 #1-7, 8 as a challenge
Mar. 8 - Ch. 2 Test
Mar. 9 - Roots of Math p.104, 3.2 Converting Measurements p.106 - notes, Activity 3.4 p.107, Discuss the Ideas p.107
Mar. 10 - 3.2 - example 1/2, Activity 3.5 p.110


Mar. 7 - 7.1 - examples and p.323 #4-8,10-12 (graph paper needed)
Mar. 8 - 7.2 Scale Diagrams and Reductions p.325 - notes/activity (graph paper needed)
Mar. 9 - 7.2 p.329 #4-6 odd letters,7-9,11ace,12a,13,17,19 (handout and graph paper needed)
Mar. 10 - 7.3 Similar Polygons - notes/activity (graph paper needed)

Math 8-M

Mar. 7 - finish unit review
Mar. 8 - finish unit review
Mar. 9 - Start Ch. 6 Linear Equations and Graphing p.316 - 6.1 Solving Equations using Models p.318 - notes/activity (algebra tiles needed)
Mar. 10 - 6.1 p.324 #5ab,6ab,8-10,11ab,12,13ac,16

Math 8-I

Mar. 7 - finish unit review
Mar. 8 - Start Ch. 6 Linear Equations and Graphing p.316 - 6.1 Solving Equations using Models p.318 - notes/activity (using algebra tiles)
Mar. 9 - no class due to Ash Wednesday Celebration
Mar. 10 - 6.1 - p.324 #5ab,6ab,8-10,11ab,12,13ac,16

Foods 7

Mar. 9 - Lab #5: Banana Choc. Chip Muffins

C.E. 9-0

Mar. 8 - Collages and March prayers due. Types of Love - notes/discussion. Start "Love in our Culture" Assignment

Health 9-O

Mar. 7 - continue on handouts on dating

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Math 10-T

Feb. 28 - 2.4 finish examples p.81-84, Activity 2.6 p.84, p.87 #1-7,8 challenge (internet needed for this assignment - see web address in text for online payroll calculator)
Mar. 1 - Ch. 2 Review
Mar. 2 - Start Ch. 3 Length,Area, and Volume p.92 - 3.1 Systems of Measurement p.94 - notes, review of fractions, chart conversions
Mar. 3 - 3.1 - Discuss the Ideas p.95, Activity 3.1 p.96/97
Mar. 4 - 3.1 - do examples 1-3 p.97, Activity 3.2 p.101, Activity 3.3 p.101

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

Feb. 28 - 5.9 Exploring Rates p.294 - notes/activity
Mar. 1 - 5.9 p.298 #5-8ac for each, 9,11,13,14a,15a,17-19
Mar. 2 - 5.10 Comparing Rates p.300 - notes/activity
Mar. 3 - 5.10 p.303 #5-8ac for each,11-14,17-19
Mar. 4 - Start unit review p.308 #1ac,2,4ac,5,6,9,11-13,14a,16,17,18a,19,20ac,21ac,22,25,27ac,28,29a,30,31a,32ab,33

Math 9-O

Feb. 28 - Unit Review p.308 #1,3-8,10-16
Mar. 1 - finish unit review
Mar. 2 - Start Ch. 7: Similarity and Transformations p.314 - 7.1 Scale Diagrams and Enlargements p.318 - notes/activity (graph paper and rulers needed for this chapter)
Mar. 3 - Ch. 6 Practice Test p.310 #1-6
Mar. 4 - Ch. 6 Test

CE 9-O

Feb. 28 - Scripture Group Activity - need handout and bibles
Mar. 3 - Present scripture activity/questions. Christ-Like love assignment p.72-75 in text
Mar. 4 - Collage: Christian Love

Foods 7

Mar. 1 - Lab 4: French Toast
Mar. 4 - Quiz . Safety in the Kitchen - start on poster. Lab #5: Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

Friday, February 11, 2011

Math 10-T

Feb. 14 - 2.2 Alternative Ways to Earn Money p.64 - notes, Activity 2.3 p.65, Discuss the Ideas p.65
Feb. 15 2.2 continued - Discuss the Ideas p.66, examples, p.69 #1-8, Challenge: Puzzle it Out
Feb. 16 - 2.3 Additional Earnings p.72 - notes, Activity 2.4 p.73, Discuss the Ideas p.74
Feb. 17 - 2.3 continued - examples, p.76 #1-8. Start 2.4 Deductions and Net Pay (if time)
Feb. 18 2.4 continued - notes, Discuss the Ideas p.80, Activity 2.5 p.81, examples

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

Feb. 14 - 5.6 p.274 #6-10ac for each,11-16 all,18
Feb. 15 - 5.7 Comparing Ratios p.279 - notes/activity
Feb. 16 - 5.7 p.284 #4ac,5ac,7,10,11,13,14,16,19
Feb. 17 - 5.8 Solving Ratio Problems p.287 - notes/activity
Feb. 18 - 5.8 p.291 #5-7 odd letters for each, 8-15 all,18

Math 9-O

Feb. 14 - 6.3 p.292 #3-9 odd letters,10,11,13ace,14,16
Feb. 15 - 6.4 Solving Linear Equations using Addition and Subtraction p.294 - notes/activity
Feb. 16 - 6.4 p.298 #6ac,7 all,8/9 odd letters,10,12,14,15
Feb. 17 - 6.5 Solving Linear Equations by Using Multiplication and Division p.300 - notes/activity
Feb. 18 - 6.5 p.305 #4,5,7,9-11,13,14

C.E. 9-0

Feb. 16 - half a class to finish Marie Rivier booklets. Start Unit 4 in text - Be Loving - 4.1 What is Love? Brainstorm, read bible passage, do handout
Feb. 17 - finish handout activity from last day. Start Scripture group activity - in pairs (bibles needed)

Health 9-O

Feb. 15 - Start Dating Unit - handouts and activities

Foods 7

Feb. 14 - Lab #3: Macaroni and Cheese
Feb. 17 - finish handouts on terms. Safety in the Kitchen - read handouts and do questions. Copy out recipe for Lab #4: French Toast

Friday, February 4, 2011

Math 10-T

Feb. 7 - Ch. 1 Review (due Wed.)
Feb. 9 - Start Ch. 2 Earning an Income - 2.1 Wages and Salaries p.54 - notes, Activity 2.1, Discuss the Ideas p.55
Feb. 10 - 2.1 continued - Activity 2.2p.60, p,60#1-9,10 challenge, Roots of Math p.63
Feb. 11 - Ch. 1 Test

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

Feb. 7 - 5.5 Exploring Ratios p.264 - notes/activity
Feb. 9 - 5.5 p.266#4-7 odd letters,8,9,11,13,14,16,18
Feb. 10 - Chapter 5 Quiz
Feb. 11 - 5.6 Equivalent Ratios p.269 - notes/activity

Math 9-O

Feb. 7 - Finish 6.2
Feb. 9 - Mid-Unit Review p.286 #2-8 all
Feb. 10 - 6.3 Introduction to Linear Inequalities p.288 - notes/activity
Feb. 11 - 6.3 p.292#3-9 odd letters,10,11,13ace,14,16

C.E. 9-0

Feb.9 and Feb. 11 - finish Marie Rivier project. (Start Ch. 4 in text if time)

Health 9-O

Feb. 10 - finish Holistic health presentations. Start next unit: Dating (handouts)

Foods 7

Feb. 9 - Quiz #2 Copy out next recipe - Macaroni and Cheese

Friday, January 28, 2011

Math 10-T

Jan. 31 - 1.4 On Sale!p.34 - notes, Activity 1.4, p.37#1-6, 7 challenge
Feb. 1 - finish p.37. Roots of Math p.40#1-3, % increase/decrease,
Feb. 2 - 1.5 Currency Exchange Rates p.41 - notes, Activity 1.5,
Feb. 3 - no class
Feb. 4 - 1.5 - Activity 1.6, p.47 #1-6 all (start review if time)

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

Jan. 31 - 5.3 p.252#3ad,4ad,5a,6a,8a,9b,10,13,15,19
Feb. 1 - 5.4 Sales Tax and Discount p.256 - notes/activity
Feb. 2 - 5.4 p.260#5a,7,9,10,13,14,16,19
Feb. 3 - Mid-Unit Review p.363 #1-12 all
Feb. 4 - 8-I - 5.5 notes
- 8-M - finish mid-unit review

Math 9-O

Jan. 31 - 6.1 p.271 #5,6,8-11 odd letters for each of these,13,14,16,18,19,23 all
Feb. 1 - Practice Test p.262 #1-8 all. Start 6.2 Solving Equations using Balance Strategies p.275 - notes
Feb. 2 - Ch. 5 Test
Feb. 3 - 6.2 - finish notes. Start p.280 #4,6 all,8,10,11 odd letters for each of these, 12,13,17ac,18,19ac,21ac,23
Feb. 4 - finish 6.2. Start Mid-Unit Review p.286 #2-8 all

C.E. 9-O

Jan. 31, Feb. 1, Feb. 3 - Marie Rivier Unit - finishing bookmark and doing the first 5 activities

Health 9-O

Feb. 2 - Presentations on Holistic health

Foods 7

Feb. 1 - Quiz: Utensils. Handouts - measuring rules and terms. Recipe #2: Brownies
Feb. 4: lab #2: Brownies

Friday, January 21, 2011

Math 10-T

Jan. 24 - Start Ch. 1 Unit Pricing and Currency Exchange p.10 - introduce chapter project. 1.1 Proportional Reasoning p.12 - notes and Activity 1.1
Jan. 25 - 1.1 - do Activity 1.2, notes and p21 #1-9 and Puzzle it Out
Jan. 26 - 1.2 Unit Price p.23 - notes, Activity 1.3 and p.26 #1-6,7 as a challenge
Jan. 27 - 1.3 Setting a Price p.28 - notes and p.32 #1-6
Jan. 28 - 1.4 On Sale! p.34 - notes, Activity 1.4 and p.37 #1-6, 7 as a challenge

Math 9-O

Jan. 24 - 5.6 Mult. and Dividing a Polynomial by a Monomial p.249 - notes/activities
Jan. 25 - 5.6 p.255 #4,5,7,8,11-13,15,16 odd letters for all of these,17 all,20-22 odd letters
Jan. 26/27 Unit Review p.259#1-6,8-10,12-16,19-26,28,29 odd letters for all of these
Jan. 28 - Start Ch. 6 - 6.1 Linear Equations - notes

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

Jan. 24 - Ch. 5 Percent, Ratio, and Rate - 5.1 Relating Fractions, Decimals, and Percents p.234 - notes/activity
Jan. 25 - 5.1 p.239 #6-14 a,c for each 16,18-21 - grid paper and pencil crayons needed
Jan. 26 - 5.2 Calculating %'s p.242 - notes/activity
Jan. 27 - 5.2 p.246 #4-6 odd letters, 7,8,11-13,15-17
Jan. 28 - 5.3 Solving % Problems p.248 - notes/activity

Foods 7

Jan. 24 - Outline/evaluation/expectations. Handouts - utensils. Lab #1: Rice Krispie Squares
Jan. 27 - Lab #1: Rice Krispie Squares - apron , hairtie, and recipe book needed for this class

C.E. 9-0

Jan. 24 - Jan/Feb prayer - due Wed.Start Marie Rivier unit - make a bookmark (mini biography of Marie Rivier's life) ****duo-tang needed
Jan. 26 - Marie Rivier - handouts and activities

Health 9-O

Jan. 25 - last day to work on projects. Presentations next class

Friday, January 7, 2011

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

Jan. 10 - finish review from Friday
Jan. 11,13,14 - review for midterm
Jan. 12 - Ch. 4 Test

Math 9-O

Jan. 10 - 5.5 Multiplying and Dividing a Polynomial by a Constant p.241 - notes/activity
Jan. 11 - 5.5 p.246#5,6 all,9-13,15-17 odd letters
Jan. 12 - Ch. 5 Quiz
Jan. 13/14 - Review for midterm

C.E. 9-0

Jan. 10 - Read p.64-67 God Will Provide. Recipe: A Healthy Relationship with God.
Jan. 13 - Ch. 3 Quiz - finish recipes. Service hours due.

Health 9-O

Jan. 12 - Work on Holistic health projects

Foods 9-0

Jan. 11 - Lab#7: Bruschetta, tortilla wraps, and potato skins. Recipe books due.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Math 10-T

Jan. 4 - Re-do 6.5 - finish up unanswered questions on assignment from before the break
Jan. 5 - 6.6 General Form of the Equation for a Linear Relation - notes/activity
Jan. 6 - 6.6 p.384#5ac,6ac,9ab,12ac,14ac,16,18ab,22,24
Jan. 7 - Hand-in Review Assignment for Ch. 6 (due Jan. 10)

Math 8-I and Math 8-M

Jan. 4 - 4.7 Surface Area of a Right Cylinder p.209 - notes and p.212#4ab,6ab,9-12,15-17
Jan. 5 - finish 4.7 assignment. Start 4.8 Volume of a Cylinder - notes/activity
Jan. 6 - finish 4.8 p.218 #4ac,5ac,8-12,15-17
Jan. 7 - Start Unit Review p.223#2,4,5,6ac,7,8a,9,11,14-16

Math 9-O

Jan. 4 - 5.4 Subtracting Polynomials p.231 - notes/activity
Jan. 5 - 5.4 p.234 #4a,6-8 odd letters,9,11,13,15,16 odd letters
Jan. 6 - Mid-Unit Review p. 237 #1ab.2-4,5a-e,6-10.11a-e,12a
Jan. 7 - Finish review (hand in)

Math 9-O

C.E. 9-O

Jan. 5 - Go over p.60-64 in text. Notes on prayer. Handout (group activity on prayer)
Jan. 7 - Group presentations. Read p.64-67 "God will Provide". Start recipe - A Healthy Relationship with God

Foods 9-O

Jan. 7 - Go over Snack handouts. Quiz on Snacks. Recipe books due. Lab #7:Potato Skins, Tortilla Wraps, and Bruschetta

Health 9-O

Jan. 4 - Work on Holistic Health projects