Friday, April 30, 2010

Math 10C and Math 10T

May 3 - 10T - Ch. 5 Test
May 4 - D. Congruent Triangle Proofs p.13 - notes/examples
May 5 - finish D -p.16 #1-10
May 6 - Work on Ch. 6 Hand-in Assignment (due May 7th)
May 7 - Start Ch. 7 Angles and Polygons:Similarity A. Similar Polygons - notes and p.3/4 #1,2

Math 9-O

May 3 - Finish Unit Problem (creating a flag with line and rotational symmetry)
May 4 - Practice Test p. 380 #1-4
May 5 - Ch. 7 Test
May 6 - Start Ch. 8 Circle Geometry 8.1 Properties of Tangents to a circle p. 384 - notes/activity (geometry set needed)
May 7 - 8.1 p.388-391 #3,5ab,6ab,7,9,11,12,14-16,18,20

Math 8-I & Math 8-M

May 3 - 8M - 7.2 Misrepresenting Data p. 394 - notes
- 8I - Ch. 6 Algebra Test
May 4 - 8I- 7.2 Misrepresenting Data p. 394 - notes
- 8I and 8M - 7.2 p.399 #4-8,10,11,14,16
May 5 - Mid-Unit Review p.406 #1,2
May 6 - 7.3 Probability of Independent Events p.407 - notes/activity
May 7 - 7.3 p.411 #3-7,10-12,15

C.E. 9-O

May 3 - Open book test on Ch. 5
May 5 - Start Ch. 6:Be Just - read p. 126-128 in text (do questions). handout on Prejudice and Injustice
May 7 - Start movie:Romereo

Monday, April 26, 2010

Math 10-C and Math 10-T

Apr. 26 - work on hand-in assignment - due Tues.
Apr. 27 - Start Ch. 6 Angles and Polygons:Congruency A. Constructing Congruent Triangles p. 1 - notes/activities (geometry set needed)
Apr. 28 - finish A. p.7#1-3,p.8#1-3
Apr. 29 - B. More Congruent Triangles p. 9 - notes and p. 10 #4/5
Apr. 30 - C. Corresponding parts of Congruent Triangles p. 12 - notes and p. 12 #1-3
- 10C- Ch. 5 test in the afternoon class (10T test on Monday)

Math 9-O

Apr. 26 - 7.7 - Identifying Types of Symmetry in the Cartesian Plane p. 368 - notes
Apr. 27 - 7.7 p.373-375 #3ac,4-7,11,12 (graph paper and tracing paper needed)
Apr. 28 - Start unit Review p. 377-379 #1ac,2-4,6-9,11-15,17-19
Apr. 29 - finish the unit review
Apr. 30 - Start Ch. 8 - Circle Geometry p. 382 - 8.1 Properties of Tangents to a Circle p. 384 (Geometry set needed for this chapter)

Math 8-I & Math 8-M

Apr. 26 - 8I-am class - finish review from Friday
- Start Ch. 7 Data Analysis and Probability - 7.1 Choosing an Appropriate Graph p. 382 - notes
Apr. 27 - 7.1 - p.387-390 #4-10, 12
Apr. 28 - Unit Problem:Planning a Ski Trip p. 376/377 - in pairs
Apr. 29 - Practice Test p. 374/375
Apr. 30 -8M only - Algebra Test (8I test on Monday)

C.E. 9-O

Apr. 27 - finish webs of healthy families, handout:4th Commandment in my Home.
Apr. 29 - 5.2 Whom Should I Obey in Society - brainstorm, read p.116-119, character story, read p. 119-121.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Math 10-C and Math 10-T

Apr. 19 - Ch. 4 Test
Apr. 20 - p.25/26 in booklet
Apr. 21 - p.27-33 in booklet
Apr. 22 - p.35-38 in booklet
- Work on hand-in Assignment in the pm class (due Mon., Apr. 26)
Apr. 23 - work on hand-in assignment (due Mon., Apr. 26)

Math 9-O

Apr. 19 - 7.5 Reflections and Line Symmetry - finish examples and start on p. 357-359 #3-8,10 (graph paper needed)
Apr. 20 - finish p. 357-359. Make your own kaleidoscope p. 360
Apr. 21 - Ch. 7 Quiz
Apr. 22 - 7.6 Rotations and Rotational Symmetry - notes
Apr. 23 - 7.6 p. 365-367 #4-10 odd letters for each, 13 14 (graph paper and tracing paper needed)

Math 8-M

Apr. 19 - 6.7 Graphing Linear Relations p. 359 - notes
Apr. 20 - Ch. 6 Quiz
Apr. 21 - 6.7 p. 363-365 #4,5ag,6agh,7,11,12ac,14
Apr. 22 - Start on Unit Review p. 371-373 #1,2ace,3,4bdf,5,6ac,10ac,12ac,14-18,21ac,22
Apr. 23 - finish Unit Review (due Mon., Apr. 26th)

Math 8-I

Apr. 19 - 6.6 Creating a Table of Values p. 356-358 #4ac,5ac,6,7,8ac,9ac,11,12,14
Apr. 20 - 6.7 Graphing linear Relations p. 359 - notes (am class)
- Ch. 6 Quiz (pm class)
Apr. 21 - 6.7 p. 363-365 #4,5ag,6agh,7,11,12ac,14 (graph paper needed)
Apr. 23 - Start Unit Review p. 371-373 #1,2ace,3,4bdf,5,6ac,10ac,12ac,14-18,21ac,22 (will finish Mon., Apr. 26th)

C.E. 9-O

Apr. 19 - Ch. 4 Test (Posters due)
Apr. 21 - Start Ch. 5 Be Obedient - 5.1 Why Should I Obey my Parents or Anyone else in Society? (notes/discussion). Read p. 108-112 - do questions and activity sheets
Apr. 23 - Continue from last class. Create a web or recipe for a healthy family.